Chapter 37

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This Chapter contains mature language, read at own risk!

Caleb's POV

I quickly pull out of the hospital parking lot, looking back every once in a while. I hadn't looked back in almost a minute, and I probably shouldn't have. I heard the sirens and immediately pulled over.

"Dammit!" I scream, throwing my hands on the steering wheel. I see the police officer out of my peripheral vision, and roll my window down.

"License and registration plea- Caleb?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Ezra?" I ask, taken aback by his presence.

"I haven't seen you in a while." He said while writing something down. He handed my back my license and registration, and started talking into a walkie talkie.

"I thought you were-" he cut me off.

"Dead?" he says, looking me in the eye.

"Yea. H-How are you alive?" I ask, still shocked.

"Look Caleb, Sailwood has it's secrets, and so do I."

What the hell did that mean? I mean, everyone has secrets but, comparing himself to Sailwood? Sailwood is full of fakes, liars, secrets, and innocent people, that aren't so innocent. Ezra couldn't be any of them. Nerdy, helpless Ezra. I look back up at him, and realize that he has changed a lot since he left school. He was tall, well built, blue eyes, and brown hair. Much like myself, minus the "well-built" part. Ezra was older than me, and entered twelfth grade when I had just started Eighth. I knew him by my brother, Jason, who was the big shot at his high school. He was only in tenth grade, but he was really popular and got all the girls. He used to take me when he hung out with his friends, and we would all have a lot of fun. But now I remember why Ezra quit school early.

I was the reason.

Okay, I know I haven't updated in like, FOREVER. But I still am writing this book. Ty to those who continue to read!🌻 Love you guys!

P.S. I'm writing another story🌻

This new book is a suprise,but will be posted soon!🌺💕

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