Chapter 27

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Allison's POV

I just had a complete gut instinct to run after whoever this was. It might have been our killer. Just as I stop running, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.


I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and see I have a text from someone that doesnt suprise me.

"Turn around, Dont look for me. Your closer than you'll ever be. Oh my, so shy. Innocent Ally's on the pry. Searching for a killer, no weapons, no skills. Your only increasing my number of kills.

Have Fun, T.R.C.

Well, someone was good a rhyming in bad situations. Wait, what about the guys? Or the ones at the car? Or the people I left behind? They were apparently this person's next target. But why not me? I mean, Im not very skilled as the text said. Wait, How did they know that?!?

Keyana's POV

Me and Jackson were sitting on the hood of his car, just talking about life. You know, things that really mattered. Like College, Houses, etc. But I quickly chnaged the subject.

"Jackson?' I asked, stopping him in the middle of a sentence. I had a question that i simply couldnt get off my mind.

"Yea?" He asked, staring quite contently at the summer sky.

I turn to face him,"What happens if these people kill one of us?"

Jackson's POV

The sky looked so bitter sweet. Its beautiful, yet when you think about it, that same sky covers th whole world. And there are very terrible people in the world. So basically, we are all under the cover of killers, like the T.R.C, and other terrorist type groups. Im suddenly snapped out of my some what pleasant thoughts by Keyana.

"What happens if these people kill one of us?" she says.

Im utterly shocked. Why would she think like that? im not gonna lie, it has crossed my mind a few times. But she spit it out like it was eating her up inside.

Keyana's POV

"I'll save us myself." he says. Man, I love him. Always bringing out the positive.

"Sure you will." I say, giggling in the process.

He smiled, I smiled, and before I knew it our lips collided. It was like something froma movie. A boy and a girl sitting on the hood of his car,kissing in the summer sun. Suddenly I hear something.

"Okay, lovebirds." Shishir said in his signature sarcastic voice.

"Where have you been?" I ask, standing up and jumping off the car hood.

"Places." he says. I hate mysteries.

"Thanks for all the details."I say, mocking his voice.

"One, you cant do my voice. Two, I was just walking in the woods."

"Oh." Jackson said. We were sitting on the ground now, all in a row. Shishir on my left, Jackson on my right.

"I like that crop top." Shishir said. What?

Jackson's POV

"I like that crop top." Shishir said. What did he say?

"What?" I ask, ready to destroy him.

I didnt realize I was up now, holding Shishir by the collar.

"Y'all Stop!" Keyana yells. I had to ignore her, because i was clearly trying to kill someone.

I held up my fist ready to punch him in the face, when the rest of the group runs over.

"What's going on?" Hami yells, running to break the boys apart.

"I don't even know." Keyana stated.

"He said he liked K's crop top." I say. Well, more like visciously rant.

Shishir just got back in the car, while we stayed out here.

"Where's Ally?" Keyana asks, because she is nowhere in sight.

"She ran off into the woods. We tried to find her, but we couldn't. We thought maybe she came back here." Paris said.

"Wait." Keyana says, walking over to Shishir.

"Weren't you in the woods?" she asks.


Sooooo....... yea I lied. Those questions will most likely be answered within the next two chapters. I had an Idea, so i had to alter the story a bit. Just the bit after this, nothing else. BI, UNICORNS💕

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