Chapter 14

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Nash's POV

A blond. Landry. Could she be alive? No, she couldn't. Paris said she was dead.

Allison's POV

We were preparing the small ceremony for Landry, when I heard a car pull up. I immediately recognized it as Cam's Tesla. I quickly told everyone they were here, and ran out front to greet them.

"Hey," i said, not sure if i should continue."We were setting up some stuff inside. You can help if you want."

Nash's POV

"Yea, sure. But when i got out of my car, I saw a blond running in the woods. You dont think-" I was cut off by Ally.

"Its not her. Paris and Jack both saw what they saw." She said. That was supposed to reassure me that she was gone, and it wasn't her in the woods. It didn't. I had a feeling that Landry was still out there, humming with the birds and climbing huge trees. It was a feeling I couldnt deny, but if she was dead, i have suspisions about who killed her.

Jackson's POV

I was spying on Allison and Nash, to see what they talked about. I could only hear muffled words,


What did that mean? I called Ally, to tell her to come back inside. The ceremony was about to start. We didnt call Landry or Bianca's moms, because they all took a trip to Brazil, and we were scared of police. Who knows? One of our DNA could be on that knife, or on the object that killed Landry. As I walked up to the edge of the lake, I looked out over the beautiful landscape.

"Its beautiful isnt it?" I heard a voice say. I turned around, only to see Keyana, intrigued by the sight.

"Absolutely." I said, my voice confident.

"Well, we should probably go back for Landry's things." She said. Her voice was quirky and cute. WAIT. I can't have a crush on Keyana! I have to accept it. I LIKE KEYANA. Alot.

Keyana's POV

Jackson's eyes sparkled axactly like the Lake water. Crystal clear. I had liked him since we got here, and Paris kept telling me to just ask him out already. She always was a match maker....


((1st day at Lake House))

Keyana's POV

Everyone was already asleep, except me and Paris. We decided to go in the living room to talk about random stuff. It was something we did when we couldnt sleep.

"Let's Play Secrets!" Paris said excitedly. She always loved this game, finding out things that people were hiding. I liked it too, but for different reasons. I liked getting things off my chest, and I knew Paris was good at keeping things.

"Oh, Okay." I said, sounding resistant. But i wansn't. I actually really wanted to play this game, because i knew Paris liked someone, but i didnt know who.

"I'll go first," she said,"I like Colby."

Mission Accomplished. Well Done Keyana.

"Okay. I may or may not like Jackson." i splurred out, i dont think she heard me. I thought wrong.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?" she screamed, almost waking everyone up."Best Ship besides #Lake"

Soon we fell asleep, dreaming of what the next day would bring.

(*^Flashback Over^*)

I'm sad #Lake was over. Forget that. Landry was over. Jackson and I were staring eachother in the eyes, and leaned in for a kiss. We didnt get to that, because Allison walked around the corner of the house.

"What are you guys doing? Come help with Landry's Stuff."

Me and Jackson looked at eachother, and walked hand in hand back into the Lake House.

Hey guys! Hope you like this story so far. I deleted my other story, because it got boring🐭 bi unicorns💕🌸🙈

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