Chapter 29

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Hami's POV

Shishir was dead. I can't believe he was working for the T.R.C. and we didnt even know it. Apparently Keyana knew something was up. No one could keep a secret from her. Except Paris, she has told us that many times. So Paris knew all of our secrets, but no one could get them out of her.

We all stood over Shishir's body, wondering if he would die why we were still here. Most likely he would, so i climbed back in the car. Since everyone was still out there, I had some time to think. Shishir comforted me, but it was all fake. Everything was fake. No one in the house is going to leave the person they were when they got here. We definitely aren't leaving with the same number of people either. Five people have died. Landry, Bianca, Victor, Josie, and now Shishir. I guess he kind of deserved to die, but I didn't want to watch my good friend be executed right before my eyes.

Sam's POV

Caleb has been over here for a while, and we have just been talking and watching a movie. We were watching Annabelle, and Luke just screamed like a 5 year old girl.

"Oh my gosh! Luke was that you?" Caleb asked.

"Maybe."He replied.

The camera dipped under the door, revealing the baby. We all screamed when the doll popped down as well.

"I'm gonna go call them."I say. They should have been to the hospital by now, and I needed an excuse to stop watching the movie.

I get off the couch, and walk into one of the girls rooms. It was "The Zebras." I sit in Paris' desk chair, and dial Keyana's number.

"Hey Sam?" she said, worry in her voice.

"Hey. You sound worried." I say.

"That's because I killed someone."

"Who? And Why?" I ask, now pacing around the room.

"Shishir." She stated.

"Why? Keyana he was our friend. You have to be kidding me." I say laughing. This was a joke. It had to be.

"N-No. I'm Serious. And the reason was because he was siding with the T.R.C" she spit out.

"Oh my god." I say.

"What?" she asks.

"If Shishir was siding with them, he knew who it was."

"No he didn't. I held him at gunpoint until he told us everything, but I still killed him." she says."We broke down about 20 miles down the road. Can you come pick us up?"


"Use Mrs. Calvin's car." she says like nothing happened.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"The neighbor to the left of us." Keyana said. How many times has she been here?

"Okay." I agree. I guess Im off to the neighbors.

"Bye, Sam. See you soon."

"Bye." I say, hanging up the phone. I set in on the desk, and sit down again.

My eyes analyze her desk briefly. Makeup, Pictures of her and Colby, Photo Albums, Pens, and so on. To entertain myself, and get out of watching Annabelle, I grab a photo album and turn to the first page.

I see a lot of pictures from when she was little, and something catches my eye as I'm flipping through the pages. I see a bright yellow, blank piece of paper. I take it out, and turn it over. Before I do, I yell to the guys, "Someone go and get them. About 20 miles down, towards the hospital."

"I will." Luke says.

I hear a door shut, and i know Luke has left. Who's car was he using? I text him and tell him about Mrs.Calvin.


To: Sam

I know. Heading over there now!

It seems like everyone knows about Mrs.Calvin. I wonder why? Oh well. I go back to the mysterious yellow card, and read the writng on it.

Paris. You know me. Im suprised you haven't figured it out yet. Who was 2nd to die? Who would kill poor innocent Landry? Yeah. Its me. Tell your friends, and I'll come for them.

Hilo!😝 I'm writing longer chapters😜 So hope you like the storyline so far, and that you will continue reading this story❤️
Bi unicorns💕

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