Chapter 2

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Paris' POV

Since we were crammed into four cars, I didnt have time to see who i was riding with. My mom was driving, and in the middle sat Landry, Luke, and Allison. I sat in the back with Colby and Jordan. I was wondering why Sierra wasn't in the car with me, but the radio distracted me from my thoughts.

"Because you know i'm all about that bass, about that bass, no treble!"

I didn't really hear the radio because we were all singing so loud.(this is so relatable to me and my friends) What I did notice was that the radio was off and Luke was still singing.(lol!)

"Luke!" We all screamed in unison.

"What?" he replied, honestly wondering why we were stopping him from singing.

"Stop singing!' Landry yelled."what do you want from McDonalds?"

I was honestly suprised she was yelling at him. They never argue, and they have the cutest ship name! I totally ship #Lake!(you get it? lol) We ended up all getting Frappe's and Sandwiches. Allison and I were the only ones that got Mocha! My mom, Erica, turned the radio back on and forgot to turn it off at the window. So, the McDonalds lady heard,

"I met this girl, late last year, she said Don't you worry if i disappear,"

We all busted out laughing, and i even heard a few people snort! After the laughter died down, we quietly ate our food and listened to the radio. Alot of us fell asleep on the ride, one of them being me. The only reason I know is because Colby violently shook me awake. We got our luggage out of the car and walked slowly up the crooked path that lead to the doorsteps.
"Woah." Said an astonished Allison. I heard a few gasps, but ignored them because my luggage was extremely heavy. I hadn't been here in a while, so some things surprised me! The cracked steps, and some of the walls were damaged and worn down. As we all walked in, we immediately put our stuff down in the living room, so we could discuss sleeping arrangements. I made a list, so it was fair.
{Sleeping Arrangements}
•room 1: Paris, Sierra, Landry, Allison
•room 2: Jackson, Luke, Shishir, Sam, Jack, Victor, and Colby
•room 3: Keyana,Hami, Josie, Jordan
Great. Sierra and Landry? They are known for hating each other. What am I gonna do? I'll just sleep on it. So, I grabbed my things and carried them to the first room. My lake house, so I chose first bed. I got a top bunk in the back corner of the small, tucked away room. We decided to make signs for our doors, so ours was, "The Zebras" After we made our sign we slid into our pajamas. I wore a black crop top that said, "flawless," and hot pink yoga shorts. Allison was wearing a striped tee and yoga shorts. Allison was always known for wearing stripes. We slowly made our way into the living room, and we all sat down on the floor or couch. I can't believe we all fit! We decided on The Hunger Games. I love the movie, and so I popped the question, "Peeta or Gale?" I received numerous responses, but clarified that everyone was team Peeta. Good, I can live with that.😂 Colby was super nice, and popped us all popcorn. Since my mom left, we were by ourselves for the summer! Soon the movie was over, and we lazily crawled/walked to "The Zebra" room. I layed down on my bed, thinking about how awesome this Summer was going to be. The. I fell into a dream-filled sleep....
Hai! Sry I haven't updated in a while👌 I promise more is coming. Climax, after Climax, after Climax. You'll see. Bi unicorns💕

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