Chapter 33

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Unknown POV
For this job I was going to be alone. But I know I can pull it off. I killed my partner. It sounds cruel, but she told Paris what T.R.C stood for.

If someone else found out, we would have to kill them both. I didn't want to kill Paris, but if it came down to it, I would. Time to get this thing started.

Caleb's POV
I've been here with the guys for a while, and we watched Annabelle, and we just started The Purge. Sam said he was going to call the guys a while ago, and he has not came back yet.

"Where is Sam?" I ask Jack.

"I don't know. Go look for him."

"Okay." I say. I start looking down the hall ways, only to find him sitting at one of the girl's desks. I knock loudly on the door, asking permission to come in.

"Come in." He said.

"Who's desk?" I ask, sitting on one of the beds.


"Were you going through her stuff?" I ask. There were books and papers spread across the desk, so I just assumed.

"Not at first, but something caught my eye."

"Oh. She your girlfriend?" I ask. That's one reason Ally broke up with me. I would look through her phone, and I never knew why I did that.

"Ha," he continued,"No, Never."

"Why not?" I ask.

"Too sassy, too popular. I want someone laid back." He said.

"Anyone one here take your liking?" I ask.

"Well," he paused,"Keyana."

"Isn't she dating Jackson?" I ask.

"Yea, but, how did you know that?"

"Umm... Jack was telling me about your trip so far." I said.

Sam's POV
Jack was telling him about the trip? No. I could tell he was lying. Where did he know that from.

"Okay. Well, I should get going. My, um, Mom wants me home before 5." He said.

"Okay." I said, getting back to looking through the items. As he left, I said one last thing.

"Caleb," I said, getting up,"If you have something to do with the kill team, I will become a kill team myself, and You'll be first on my list."

He just smirked and walked away. I sat back down, and began going through again. I found a note, but this one shocked me more than any other.

So....... What do you think the note said?
Who wrote the note?
Bo unicorns💕

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