Chapter 1

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Paris' P.O.V
As I walk into school, something feels different. It's the last day of school! Then, I have the whole summer to spend with my friends. I skip to English, instead of walk, because I'm in a REALLY good mood. I go to my seat at a small table tucked in the back right corner of the room. My teacher,Mrs. Briggs, goes on and on about how we shouldn't spend our whole summer on the internet, while I sit and think. What am I going to do this summer? While asking myself questions, I didn't notice she was passing out a worksheet. UGH. I finished quickly, and turned it in so I could listen to music on my phone. Ordinary, by Ricky Dillion came on, and in my mind I was going crazy! Luckily, I don't think aloud.Soon class was over so I walked to History.
*time skip to Lunch*
"What are we doing this summer?" Landry said with an excited look on her face. "We could all go to my Lake House?" I said hesitantly. I saw instantly, smiling faces implying they liked my idea. We were so busy talking about the Lake House, we forgot to go to 4th period! As we walked into 4th period, which was science, we got funny looks and people whispered to one another pulling back nodding, or giving looks as well. Ally, looking as innocent as ever, just sat down unbothered by the staring. Me and Landry must be telepathic, because at the exact same time, we both said, "Do you not have anything else to talk about? Your lives must be boring, if that's all!" Everyone instantly turned back to doing there work and occasionally the rebel would shoot us a glare and get one right back from all of us. After fourth period, we all split up, to invite people to my lake house. I gave them the invite list, so they know who is coming. Free period was now over, so to 6th period it is.
*time skip to when school gets out*
Yes! Finally school is over.
"I hope everyone is packing!" I said excitedly. On the car ride home, I sat in silence, just thinking about how awesome this summer would be. We were only 15, but we were gonna have the best time ever! When I get home, I go upstairs to my room and try to find my iPad. It's pretty easy, due to the fact that my case is Neon Pink, and Neon Blue. I find it on my desk, under a bunch of papers. I grab my suitcase, and start packing necessities I will need for two months. Makeup, Jewelry, Bikini, and my phone. Check! I start a group message and tell everyone to meet at my house in 30 minutes. To pass time, I watch PLL and check my Twitter. 30 minutes later I hear my doorbell ringing like crazy. I immediately know it's Landry. I walk outside with my bags, and we all cram inside the 4 cars. Long did I not notice, we are on are way to have the best summer of our lives.
So yea........... This story is about a lake house. I got pelted with ideas literally. My friends threw pried of paper with ideas on them at me in math today😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so lots and lots of drama I promise🌀 bi my unicorns💕

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