Chapter 16 (My Lake House Picture. Lol)

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Hami's POV
I was sitting in the cold metal chair, watching as everyone collected Landry's things. Victor was supposed to come sit with me, but I can't see him anywhere.

"Do you know where Victor is?" I asked Jordan.

"No, haven't seen him." She says, concerned. I start frantically pacing, wondering where he is. I decide to look inside, see if he's in there. Maybe he's watching TV or something. I walk inside, and call his name. Surely he would hear me.

"Victor!" I yelled. No reply.

"Victor?" I scream again. No response. I walk around in every room. No where. I finally start to head to my room, and I hear a sound. I grab a kitchen knife, and head to the door. Everyone but Victor was outside. And he wasn't answering. I swung the door open, to find a dark figure in a black hoodie jumping out my window. I see I have something on my bed. And another note on my desk. Why? I rush to the one on my bed, and sit down to read it.

He's gone. I don't believe this. I walk up to the window, and look down at the ground below. He was there. His body pale and lifeless. I broke down. This was too much. I've lost 3 people I love in a short time period. Why would someone do this?

"Whoever is doing this," I yell, still crying," I will find you and make sure your life is nothing but torture!"

I hear the door open. I quickly get up, and hide the note on my desk. Who knows what that said. The killer was standing in my room earlier. I can't hide this. Umm.... Never mind I have too. I stuffed it in my drawer, and just in time too.

Shishir's POV
I heard screaming, so I ran to find out where it was coming from. I opened the door to one of the girls rooms, to find Hami, crying. Crying hard. Her makeup was running and she was sitting on the bed, bawling.

"Hami?" I said, not sure if she wanted to be alone.

"Read the note." She said, while sniffling. I walked up and grabbed the note, shocked by what it said.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" I hugged her. She finally got up and told me to go back, so she could freshen up. I did, but I didn't know how I was going to tell the rest of the guys that Victor was dead. We were at a funeral, and someone else just died. Great.

Hami's POV
As soon as Shishir walked out, I ran to my desk and pulled out the note.

Don't underestimate the power of a small mind....... It can do great things. And you can too. Join us, at the weeping willow. 12:00 pm sharp, by yourself.

What did T.R.C mean? I'm not going. I have to show the others. I have too.

Jackson's POV
I was talking to Nash and Cam, when a frantic Hami ran out of the house.

"Guys!" She screamed.

"What?" I yelled back, curious.

"Come Here." We all ran back to the Lake House.

We sat down in the living room, around Hami. She told us how she came in and saw the killer, or someone else. And the note from Vic. Wow. She has been through a lot today.

"Let's listen to the radio!" I said, because everyone thing was getting depressing.

I walked over to Paris' dock again, and put on Pandora. 'Love me like you Do' came on, and I immediately turned it. That was a song about Love. And Hami and Nash didn't need that.

Cam's POV
We were jamming out, and all of a sudden the music stopped. The lights went out. And everything was black.

"Ahhhh!!!" I heard a voice scream. The lights turned back on, and we looked around.

Paris was missing.
Heehee! This story is fun to write😂 poor Hami😬👌😫🙈 bi unicorns💕

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