Chapter 30

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*Connie's POV*

I smirked "Okay, here's the plan. Do you remember you're in room four, Mikasa has room 5,Jean has room 6, Armin has room 7, and Eren has room 8?"


"Okay, so the plan is to connect a rope to all their alarm clocks while they're asleep. The rope is above the hole that connects all the ceilings on the 3rd floor.

We get four buckets filled with worms and tie it to the other side of the rope. When the alarm clocks set and they start vibrating (not that kind), the buckets will immediately throw the worms at them and teach them a lesson."

"'re smart..."

I nodded proudly and crossed my arms, "thank you, now let's get this started..."

We started doing the prank. After doing exactly what the instructions said, but right after I got out of Eren's room. There was... some unexpected company.

There were some masked guys with Sasha tied up in a rope and a cloth covering her mouth. They also had Annie tied up as well.

What I didn't realize is that there was another guy behind me who tied me up in surprise and covered my mouth. The one who had Sasha threw a dart on her neck, making her unconscious.

I shouted while they guy was still covering my mouth, I was supposed to say "Sasha!"
But the guy shot me as well, so I fell unconscious.

I woke up in the same cell from the last time we got kidnapped. Sasha spoke softly,

"You're awake..."

I looked down, and sighed to point to almost groaning "yeah... Annie did this?"

She shook her head, " fact, she's one of the victims if you ask me." She pointed her head at Annie, who like us, was also locked up in here.

Then, Annie actually talked for once,

"Potato girl's right. Everyone thought I was the cause of this. Just to find out I had nothing to do with this.

They used my "twin titan" to make everyone think that was the real me. I was sent to Sina with my friend, Marlowe. When I got back, I find out the school was bombed.

I was gonna tell them the truth but Reiner kidnapped me and locked me in this cell. That "meeting" you guys thought was an argument. I escaped earlier today, to warn everyone about the other Titans. But they took me again, this time they took you guys with me."

"But how? What about all those...rebel-ish things you did?"

She looked up and tightened her jaw,


*Annie's POV*

I just finished packing my bags up for my flight to Sina. I'm gonna miss a lot of things in school, but I have that covered so there's no need to worry.

I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see my friend, Marlowe.

"Ready to go, Annie?"

"Yeah..." I took my luggage and my backpack and headed to the airport.

During the flight, I asked Marlowe,

"Does anyone know we're gone?"

He looked up and stayed silent for a moment, then he slowly shook his head,

"I don't think so...don't worry too much about school now, we're heading to the fanciest place in trost."

I sighed "you're right."

After a few hours, we finally made it to Sina. Marlowe and I parted ways and followed our plan.

~~ half a month later...~~

"Are you sure you're gonna leave already? Is Sina too good for you?"

"No's not that. It's just that I feel like going back to school.Don't judge my senses, Marlowe..."



I hung up after my short phone call with Marlowe. I don't know why I wanna go back to school, I just...feel like it.

I packed my bags up once more and left for the airport.

After my flight, I went to my school. I noticed while I was walking, everyone backed away from me, looking fearful.

I didn't know what was going on, until I saw the school...the destroyed school. And a lot of murder and blood on the floor.

Before I said anything else. Reiner covered my mouth and dragged me to their house. When we arrived, he threw me on he floor, asking me coldly,

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Sina?"

"I got back because I wanted to. What have you done to this place?"

"We used your twin to trash the place so we don't have the blame for it."

I hissed "you are an ass, how dare you?"

He slapped me and brought me to the cell.

~~a few days later~~

The cell is horrible. They only give me lunch. I don't want to be here anymore. I held my fists tightly and pulled the chains that locked my wrists.

I finally got out and ran to Connie's house to warn the others. Suddenly i felt something being tied on my wrists. Great..they caught me again. that...Sasha?

~~end of flashback~~
*back to Connie's POV*

"So...even Bertholdt is part of this?" Sasha asked,

Annie raised an eyebrow, "wait, don't you know he's dead?"

Me and Sasha stared at her with a speechless face.

Annie looked back, " don't. You see, Bertholdt was the one who died, not his twin..."

"Oh..." I looked down sadly.

Best Friends (Sasha x Connie) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now