Chapter 20

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*Connie's POV*

I opened my eyes after hours and hours of sleep. I felt a lot better after that.

There was something I felt on my shoulder. I tilted my head on the see Sasha resting her head on my shoulder.

My cheeks were red. Full red. Was she like this the whole night? Did she really mean to do this or did she just fall from her chair and into my bed?

Her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes widened as her cheeks went red. She stood up. She lent me her hand,

"Cmon, let's go eat breakfast."

I took her hand and rose from my bed, "so...wh-what happened last night?"

She blushed "you fell asleep. Then I got really tired so...I slept on your bed. I am so sorry..."

I blushed as well "I-it's's all good..."

Sasha ran downstairs to get some food. She came back with four loaves of bread. I slapped her arm playfully, thinking she still might be babying me,

"Dude, I'm not sick"

She shook her head "I know, I just felt like eating here."

"Oh, okay."

While we were eating, Sasha asked me a question, "so I heard Levi made a new name for us, what is it?"

"Oh, he wanted to call us Springles"

"Springles? Wow...sounds like food..."

I laughed "I know right. I got weirded out when I heard that."

She rubbed her chin "hmm...maybe we can call ourselves that..."

I blushed "wh-what do you mean?"

She tugged me "no, not that kind! I meant that's what we can call ourselves."

"Oh, oka-"

Isabel slammed my door open, she shut the door, locked it, and blocked it, panting

Sasha raised an eyebrow "what're you doing here? I thought you have your own house..."

"Yeah...I DID"

I raised my eyebrow the same way Sasha did, "what do you mean DID?"

"Me and Farlan shared a house. Then Ymir bombed our house. I managed to escape but..." A single tear fell off her eye. Then more tears fell,

"Jean and Levi killed another titan that looks exactly like Reiner and Bertholdt. Bertholdt stayed in the house while Reiner chased me for FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT"

My eyes widened "FOUR days?"

She nodded "yes. Then it lead me straight to you guys. Then we got locked up, bla bla bla then the end"

"So, where are you gonna stay?"

"Levi said the only available room was under the stairs. Guess I'm going Harry Potter style."

"Okay...but why were you-"

She leaned down, and passed out.

Best Friends (Sasha x Connie) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now