Chapter 5

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*Sasha's POV*

Today, Petra had free meatballs! We had to get those.

We got as many meatballs as I could. And brought them to the classroom.

Ymir walked up to me, unamused with the many meatballs I had. She took one meatball and began playing with it.

"Mph...why'd you buy so many of these meatballs, potato girl? Doubt you're even gonna finish them..."

My eyes widened as I stood up from my chair

"Hey! Enough with the Potato girl thing!"

Connie also got up from his seat, he heard everything

"Hey, leave her alone! No one calls her that anymore! And if she doesn't like it, then better yet stop!"

Ymir smirked "that's not my problem...the problem is I doubt that you're gonna finish all that"

I laughed as if she was joking "ya think? I'd like to see you try finishing all this yourself..."

She faked a laugh, it sounded like a real one to be honest.

"bring it, whoever finishes all the meatballs first wins, loser cleans the classroom after school for a month."

" Guys! Come over here, Ymir and Sasha are having a meatball eating contest" Jean interrupted our conversation rudely

Everyone was watching, I felt so nervous. I might lose, I don't wanna clean the classroom after school, I got plans after school.

But if I win, I can finally prove to Ymir that I can eat as many meatballs as I could. I might even get four meals a day instead of three.

Connie was on my side, and Christa/Krista was on Ymir's.

It was time for the contest. It was exactly 8:35.

Our science teacher, Professor Hanji, should be here in a few minutes. But she's usually late cause she gets coffee with her boyfriend, Mr. Erwin

I could hear Marco checking his timer again. My heart was beating so quickly. I was so nervous.


I immediately stuffed five meatballs in my mouth. I swallowed them and stuffed ten more.

Ymir was quick. She might be eating them one by one but she chewed them for less than a second.

I felt horrible, I never felt this full in years. Actually I never felt full at all. I'm usually ready to eat anything anytime.

But right now...I feel awful. Everyone was shouting at me


I felt like vomiting. Then I saw Connie. He wasn't shouting at me, he wasn't forcing me to continue. All he did was smile.

That gave me a lot of courage. I ate all the meatballs on my plate. Nonstop.

Time's up. Ymir had 15 meatballs left on her plate, I...had...0...I won. Connie shouted


Everyone cheered. Ymir smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Wow, this was the 1st time she was nice.

Suddenly, I felt worse. I fell flat on the floor, and lost my consciousness.

Best Friends (Sasha x Connie) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now