Chapter 18

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*Connie's POV*

I opened my eyes after a few hours of unconsciousness. I was in a jail cell. The only source of light was a torch posted on the wall.

Everything was a blur. I couldn't think we'll. it's like I've been shot or something. Once my vision was clearer. I could see everyone still unconscious.

Sasha was on my left. Isabel was on my right. Petra and Levi were near the door.

"Psst....Sasha...Sasha wake up..."

Her eyes fluttered open. She breathed deeply and turned her head at me. "C-Connie..."

"Sasha, where are we?"

She tried rubbing her eye, but the chain on her wrist wouldn't let her, "wh...what?"

Soon, everyone else woke up. They notice the chains were locking their wrists. Levi didn't seem contented,

"Those brats locked us up. And it looks like they're smarter than I expected. Used steel chains instead of iron. Finally, something smart they did."

"'re stupid for thinking that's the only smart thing we did..." A voiced echoed to the walls and I to the cell

Levi's chinky eyes turned tinier as the voice echoed at our cell, "Reiner..."

His face peeked at the window with pure steel bars,

"didn't I tell you I had to lock you up so hazelnut doesn't die. And...I also remember telling you I was gonna ask you questions."

Levi tightened his jaw "you idiot..."

Reiner cackled "first question, are there any more people you know that aren't in this cell and still lives? If so, immediately give me the addresses. I order Connie to answer this question

I held my fist and tried unchaining myself.
But the stronger the force, the more painful it became.


Reiner laughed. He unlocked the bars, went inside and tortured me. He grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall.

I could hear Sasha screaming "REINER, STOP IT!!! YOURE GONNA KILL HIM!!"

Reiner laughed harder "so? This is how I get people to talk" he grabbed my head and pushed it to the wall again "and why shouldn't I hurt him?"

I felt awful. My nose was bleeding and my body felt limp. My eye vision was clearer. Sasha's eyes turned red, she growled,

"Because he's best friends with the most dangerous eater in town..." She munched on all the steel chains and shot Reiner using her gun. She shouted,


Everyone escaped. As we were running. I smiled at Sasha "thanks for...saving me back there..."

She smiled back, "that's what friends are for, right?"

My smile grew wider, "right...thanks best friend"

"No problemo, best friend."

Best Friends (Sasha x Connie) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now