Chapter 22

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*Connie's POV*

After Sasha dried herself up after crying so much. She decided that we should eat with the others.

We went downstairs. We were lucky to have two seats beside each other. I was across Isabel while Sasha was across Petra.

I expected Sasha to start a conversation with me. Turns out Isabel did. She asked me,

"Connie, how'd you get your buzz cut?"

My cheeks went red, not because a girl asked, it's cause nobody ever asks me that.

"Wait, why're you asking anyways?"

She ruffled her hair, smiling brightly "I don't know. I see your shaved hair every time and I wanted to know the history of it."

I laughed "how'd my hairstyle get to dinner?"

"It's shaped like dinner..."

I raised an eyebrow "do you wanna eat my head?"

She laughed as she facepalmed "I'm sorry, it's just...shaped like a meatball...actually less rough and less...meat..."

"Well...enough about my hair...your pigtails look like red brooms sticking on your head."

She cackled like a witch, "I know, I keep it like this because it's comfortable...". We talked the whole dinner time.

Man, I didn't know Isabel was this fun to talk to. I used to think only Sasha was the only one Like this. Turns out there were more, too.

She was cheerful. Her level of enthusiasm was high, and I didn't know her smile was that bright and positive

While me and Isabel were fixing the table, I noticed Sasha looked...a little gloomy...

*Sasha's POV*

~~~time lapse~~~

Connie and Isabel are talking...I'm not feeling so good. Not that I'm having a stomach ache or something. It's just that I feel...uncomfortable... I feeling...jealousy? No...I can't be feeling jealous at Isabel, they're just...talking, and I'm not dating Connie, I'm just his best friend. Period.

And anyways, they're not dating either. Isabel and Connie are just...friends. They're just making a small conversation during dinner time.

Yet...I still have this scared feeling...he blushed when Isabel asked that question. I don't understand...doesn't he get annoyed when people ask him that...?'s either he blushed because she asked the question, or its cause he was never asked that question before.

They're still...talking about their hair. Now Levi decides to make me feel worse by assigning both of them to fix the tables...

After they cleaned the tables, Isabel high fived Connie and went to her room. I approached him and held his shoulder, saying,

"Meet me at your room..."

Best Friends (Sasha x Connie) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now