Chapter 14

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*Connie's POV*

It was Marco's funeral, everyone was dressed in formal, black attire. And it was also Mike, Nanaba, Thomas and Mina's funeral in a few days.

There was no funeral for Bertholdt and Reiner, their bodies were burnt down without mercy.

Annie wasn't dead, though. She's still out there, probably doing bad stuff to the city.

My friends stay in my house now, she killed my family. They also killed my friends' families too.

Annie is pretty much the most evil person of all time. Even more evil than Levi when he forces us to clean the school as punishment in detention.

School Less, homeless, I'm only fifteen. Sasha's sixteen, Jean's fifteen, Historia's fifteen, Ymir's seventeen, Eren's fifteen, Mikasa's fifteen...yeah.

The four were full grown adults. Erwin and Hanji's ages were unknown, Levi was thirty-six and Petra was twenty-nine

Erwin and Hanji acted like parents ( in a way) and Levi trains us.

Because of the big incident, Levi was the only one who leaves the house.

He either buys food or gets new cleaning materials. Anything that'll help us survive.

Hanji and Erwin were our only teachers, we had to learn. Just so we won't be dumb in the future.

But...ever since Marco's death, Jean...hasn't been doing so well. The disadvantages about this is he's really silent. He doesn't talk at all.

And yes, there is an advantage about this change. Jean never started a fight, he wasn't a selfish, drunk, high person that seems to not care about the consequences.

That's it. Now back to the Marco's funeral topic.

Everyone was in black, whether they were dresses for Mikasa, Petra, Sasha and Krista. And tuxedos for Me, Jean, Eren, Armin, Levi, Erwin and Ymir.

The funeral was held at my mom's "indoor" yard. But then after the speeches, Jean whispered to me,

"Hey, Connie...what's that? The one in Marco's pocket..."

I walked to his coffin. There was a piece of paper inside the pocket of his jeans. Jean opened the coffin and took the paper. Then me and Jean began reading,

" Dear friends,
Please forgive me for being so weak. I know training has been a rough time for me. All of you have been doing a great job, you've turned into soldiers. Unlike me, I'm weak and too afraid to fight, I knew there I wasn't going to survive

This message is for Jean. Jean, since I know I'm not going to live after this fight, I need you to do something for me. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I have. I'm weak, I want you to be strong. I'm about to die, I want you to live.

I know you're a smart guy. Don't waste your intelligence on something pointless. Use it for your own good. I don't want you to end up like me.

You'd make a good leader someday. But not because of your strength, but because you're just like the rest of us. Which makes you a great leader.

This is for all of you this time. I hope you all have great lives in the future. Since my life is about to come to an end, I don't want the same for all of you. I hope you'll make it against Annie. I hope you take back what was yours. Thank you for being great friends...
Your friend, Marco"

Jean was crying again. But he stopped crying sooner, I mean a lot sooner than before. He walked out of the room and went to his room in silence.

After a few hours of plain silence, Jean went downstairs for Marco's burial. Everyone cried, well...except for Levi and Erwin.

But...there was something that...was a little awkward about that situation. Sasha was crying too hard, she hugged me.

My cheeks were turning kinda red. My emotion changed. What's going on? Why is this happening now?

I can feel wet stains of Sasha's tears spreading on my shirt. She didn't stop. But she wasn't crying as hard as Jean. I couldn't even describe it anymore.

I felt was the saddest day ever. It was raining, the sky was grey, it was pretty gloomy.

It's not even wrong for guys to cry at this moment. I can't even imagine the others' funerals are gonna be.

The only thing I wish right now is something good to happen

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