Chapter 35

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*Sasha's POV*

After a whole day of sleeping on the bed. I helped Connie get up from the bed and get dinner ready.

I left the room, then came back with some spicy chicken wings, just how he likes it.

We ate dinner at his room. Then fell asleep after that.

Forgot to tell you guys, I stay at Connie's room now, had to give Annie and Hitch a room.

I usually sleep on his couch. And no, not with him on the bed, (because that's just wrong.)

While I was snoring (but not yet sleeping), a paper fell on my face. I opened my eyes and took the paper from my face, reading it,

Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein, Annie Leonhardt, Isabel Magnolia, Hitch Dreyse, Hanji Zoe, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, Petra Ral, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Eren Jaeger

You've been looking for me. But you'll never find me. No matter how much evidence there is, it'll lead to nothing.

See, Jean. This is what happens when you mess with me. You will regret it, all of it.

Your fun will never last. No matter how long it is, it won't last a lifetime. Someday, I will be in control.

I am a titan. Once a titan, always a Titan. Never forget that, you idiots.

I'm coming for you, all of you. You will regret what you did.

I'll be there tomorrow, by the time it turns dusk. So expect lots and lots of company.

~~someone you used to know

Reiner. That asshole. I have to show this to the others.

I shook Connie's shoulder, "psst...Connie wake up."

He groaned and muttered softly, " what do you want? It's three in the morning..."

"Huh? No it's not. It's seven forty-six."

He sighed, "what do you need?"

I handed him the paper, he read it immediately.

"I know who this is..." He widened his eyes as he said those words.

I nodded slowly, "yeah..."

"Uh-huh....Smokey the Bear. He's the only guy who knows all our names."

I facepalmed. Man this guy's really an idiot.


"Oh yeah...that makes much more sense. I remember Smokey the Bear's not a Titan."

"We should tell the others. But we can't leave cause of your legs-"

"I know what to do..." Connie began screeching like a goat. I facepalmed again, this time with a long sigh.

Surprisingly, everyone in this house went inside the room.

"This better be important, sphere-head." Levi grunted as he sat on the coffee table.

Petra took the chair near the coffee table and moved it near the bed,

"yeah, last time you did that goat screech, it was for d- something unimportant."

"Reiner sent us this paper a few minutes ago, I don't know how and when, but it just flew to my face."

I lent Petra the paper, she read it and crumpled it, throwing it to Isabel, who opened it and read it.

"Yup. We have company tomorrow.Hanji, have a plan yet?"

Hanji laughed, "don't ask me. Ask Commander Erwin over here." She pointed her thumb at Erwin.

Erwin walked to the middle and instructed everyone, "just be prepared."

Everyone shouted "understood!" And left the room. Get ready for Tomorrow, Sasha

Best Friends (Sasha x Connie) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now