Chapter 12

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*Sasha's POV*

I don't know how this happened. Many dead students, a destroyed school, and several injuries, all because of three people who caused a violent fight.

~~~time lapse~~~

It was just an ordinary school day. Me and Connie were having lunch. With Jean, Marco and Armin.

Reiner and Berthodlt were no longer friends of ours, since there was a big fight between Reiner and Jean.

Annie started hating school. She slacks off during lessons and wasted her food by throwing them away.

Reiner and Bertholdt began doing the same things she was. They were...basically thugs...

But while we were walking to our table. I overheard Annie and Reiner talking about... something about...a rebellion?

When we got to our lunch table (which was across theirs) I did nothing but listen to their conversation.

I could hear Reiner and Annie planning something while Bertholdt silently listened.

Just to make it short, this is how it went:

Reiner: Annie, I told you already. We should just blow the place up, no need for a fight.

Annie: these people are smarter than you imagine, Reiner. They know how to find a bomb.

Reiner: well we just act faster and blow the bomb up right away

Annie: won't that make us die too? Anyways fighting them might give a boost to your strength, at least it could be fun.

Reiner: may be right, i really have to make myself stronger, at least as strong as Levi, right?

Annie: whatever... Hey since we're all done with lunch, we should get going

Reiner: yeah cmon lets leave...

Then they left. I ran and followed them immediately. Then someone took my arm. I turned around,

"Professor Hanji? Mr. Erwin?"

They dragged me to Hanji's office without one word flying out of their mouths.

Hanji was dragging me using my collar, then she immediately threw me on her desk. My body was shaking. My mind was flying everywhere.

"Wh-what's going on?" I spat out.

Hanji began walking around the room, trying to get me to talk "Spill the beans, kid. We know what you're hiding"

I let out a small laugh "I hide a lot of things, what exactly do you want me to tell?"

Then I heard a voice so...familiar, "listen to her, Sasha"

My view was a lot clearer. All my friends were in the room. Petra, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco and Connie...

"Guys! What're you doing here?"

Hanji sighed desperately "be serious now, Braus. What kind of information do you have about Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt?"

"oh...well Reiner said he was planning to blow the place up, then Annie suggested a fight so they could boost their strength and...sorry that's all I know, I wasn't able to hear clearly-"

Erwin nodded "that's all we need to know, thanks..."

" does that give you enough information? It doesn't even clear anythi-"

"We have the rest of the story, We just needed the plot (not that kind) to cover it, that's all..."

"Wait, if I already found the plot, then what's the rest of the story?"

Erwin raised an eyebrow, most probably cause I was asking for a...complicated question. Then he looked at Connie

"Your friend over here knows the whole story, best if he explains"

Connie took a step forward and began explaining

"While I was in detention yesterday, I overheard Reiner and Annie talking about wanting to take over the school. They secretly left the school and joined THS..."

Betrayal. That was the word that came into my mind. I jumped off the desk

"Titan High School? Why?"

"I know. While we were competing against the Titans (in basketball), I saw two familiar faces. I thought I was hallucinating at first, was clear. They didn't join THS, they're part of THS. And since they hate this place, they wanted to kill the principal and burn the school down. But they know that we know about the plan, so they decided to fight us."

"But...why us? Why not Levi or something-"

"Because they'd be pretty much the most idiotic people for planning to do so..." A deep, serious voice interrupted.

"Oh...didn't know you were part of this, since we know the story, what do we do now?"

Hanji walked to the desk, throwing a piece of paper at it "this is their formation. The fight will hold place behind Connie's hous-"

"Wait, why MY HOUSE!??" Connie screeched, not a girly one though

"This is their formation, so I don't have any idea on why they chose your hou-"

"They chose his house cause unlike other houses, the back of Connie's house looks just like a military base. Annie will be on the middle, Reiner will be on the left and Bertholdt will be on the right. I suppose they'll have three more companions who'll be staying by the other sides to corner the people who come on their way. They wouldn't want to me outnumbered, am I right?"

Everyone was silent. Wow, that was some... Explanation Mr. Erwin had there. Hanji even clapped,

"Wow...Erwin, that was...that was an amazing explanation you had there..."

He gave her a slight smile "I learned that from you..."

She gave him a smirk "so, 'Commander Erwin', what do we do now?"

He smiled at her and pointed his finger at the formation,

"Sasha awill be in the middle, you have to take Annie out before she has any chance of escaping. Marco will be blocking the exit for you. Connie will stay on the left. The 1st companion is someone named Sonny. Take him out once you see him. Jean will be on the left. Since it might take a while to beat Reiner, send a signal to Levi, who'll be against Bertholdt. He'll kill Reiner immediately. Petra, you'll be against Bean, the 2nd companion. And Mikasa, Albert will be your enemy"

Jean laughed "for some reason I got all of that"

Erwin gave Jean a tsk "haven't you heard what Hanji said? Be serious. The fight's tomorrow night, so be prepared."

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