Chapter 33

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*Annie's POV*

Wh-what's going on? Where am I? How did I get here? More importantly why am I in a ceiling? I don't feel so good about this...

My eyesight was blurry as hell. My head was spinning. I felt like I've been shot.


My cheek was slapped by a hand. A... familiar looking hand...

"J-Jean...?" My mutters couldn't stop his raging look.

He slapped my again and shouted, "MIKASA GET THE OTHERS NOW."

I turned to Mikasa, who answered, "understood" she left the room without another word flying from her mouth.

Jean took his sword and pointed it to my neck, already bleeding cause of the sharp blade.

I tried begging him to stop, "J-Jean...please, stop..."

He faked a small laugh,

"that must've been the same thing Marco said when you were about to kill him, and look what happened."

I felt tears running past my cheeks, "please, Jean...listen to me..."

He placed the sword closer to my neck, making my blood drip slowly on the floor.

"Listen...I'm gonna ask you some questions. But that won't save you from dying. Stop trying to act innocent, because that won't save you either."

Game over, Annie...Game over...

*Jean's POV*

It's time, Jean. This is gonna be worth it. Killing Annie will result to succeeding my vengeance.

I pointed the sword at Annie, ready to kill her for all the horrible things she's done, but there was one thing...


I turned around. Sasha...dammit, why now?in the middle of this?


She went closer and took the sword from me, breaking it.

My eye twitched as I glared at her, "what was that for?"

"We are not killing Annie."

I paused for a moment. What is she talking about? This girl killed her family, why does she want her alive?

"Are you out of your mind? This beast is the cause of Rose's breakdown-"

"Annie didn't do this. Mr. Erwin, explain."

Erwin stepped forward and began explaining.

"Annie is innocent. Reiner forced Her "twin titan" to work for the Titans and destroy Rose while she had work in wall Sina. Was arrested and imprisoned by the time she came back.

We have evidence. A few days ago, Annie approached Armin on her departure. And greeted Petra, Hanji and Isabel.

Like us, Annie is also a victim of the Titans, even though her herself is one. She was brought to Maria when Sasha, Connie, Isabel, Petra and Levi were imprisoned. Then brought back here when they escaped.

So for now, Annie will be living with us. She was abused by her father, so she needs all the help she needs."

I growled aggressively and untied her from the ceiling. She fell on the floor weak-fully, looking like she couldn't get up anymore.

Armin helped her up and brought her downstairs. She had that look on me that made my guilt happen.

Everyone left the room. Me, Sasha and Connie were the only ones left in the attic. Then Sasha was about to leave. Connie held my shoulder,

"Cmon, let's go."

I sighed and gave him a weak nod. So...was my vengeance for nothing, then?

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