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It's already afternoon, Alexander is busy packing his bag. Alexander and Aspen decided to stay in the woods for a night and see what they can find.

"Flashlight? Extra batteries? Food? Some clothing?" Alexander scoffs, Aspen is acting like a mother of a kindergarten that kept reminding her kid if it had everything it needs before going to school.

"I had it, mom" Alexander teased.

"Don't call me that"

"But you'll be a mother soon, get used to it" Alexander heard disbelief laugh from Aspen in the other line.

"I'm not pregnant and if I'll be a mother, I don't want a kid like you"

"I also don't want to have a mom like you"

Alexander can feel the anger of Aspen on the other line.

"Anyway, it's almost 4:30. Come pick me up!" Aspen said, cutting the childish tease. "And don't call me mom"

"Okay.." Alexander said, "Mom"

Alexander ended the call before he could hear Aspen and went out.

Alexander slowed his drive and parked in front of a white two-storey house, Aspen stood up from her porch stairs, grabbed her bag and walk towards the car.

"Damn, so... He rejected you before and decided to join the club despite that?" I asked.

Aspen nodded and put her disposable empty bowl aside, she stared at the fire that we set in front of us.

"Yeah and that's how we became partners. He wants me to partner up with you because I'm not kind to some girls"

I scoffed, "I think you are this snobby brat girl but some girls just dont... Seem to understand you"

"Yup!" I put my disposable empty bowl aside, I heard her sighed and look at her.

"I just..." she paused, "I'll miss him.."

I stared at the fire, doesn't know what to answer.

"But I accepted that he died. I hate sulking it out, I looked like a kid"

It was already night and we slept inside the tent separately, the rustling of trees and the cold breeze that Alexander felt on his feet. He couldn't sleep, he sits up and looks at the tent across him, he squinted his eyes and found Aspen is sleeping.

Alexander called out to Aspen, Aspen sits up and looked at Alexander.

"What?" Aspen groaned.

"I can't sleep"

"ain't my problem," Aspen said and went to lay back.

"Hey, how about we should go and explore since it's already..." Alexander looked at his phone, "2:50"

Alexander didn't get a reply instead Aspen stood up, grabbed her flashlight.

"I thought you are ready," Aspen said as she found Alexander is still inside the tent.

"That was fast." Alexander remark.

Aspen smirked, "I'm always fast when it's about creepy adventure"

They quietly walked throughout the woods, carefully looked at their path as they saw a bunch of large roots in the ground, hovering their flashlight in every slightest move behind the bushes.

Aspen halted her tracks as her flashlight hovered on a pathway, "Check this out"

Alexander looked at the pathway that Aspen hovered her flashlight on, he hovered her flashlight on the pathway and follow the rest part of the pathway and stopped it as he found out that there is a gate.

Alexander looked at Aspen and Aspen nodded, an indication that they should check it out.

They walked towards the gate. The rusty gate with its design seems to be built by a rich family, Alexander and Aspen were surprised as they found out that the gate isn't locked.

It was so cold as they walked through the pathway with its untrimmed dry grass and found a house. A house that is two storey but big enough. Windows are broken and the colored walls are peeled off, they slowly walked and wander their eyes around.

"Phobus!" Aspen quietly called out. Alexander looked at Aspen and found a mini basement.

Aspen hovered her flashlight inside the basement, it's all tools inside the house. The sudden sound of cawing made Aspen and Alexander jolted, turning around, and sighed out of relief as they found it was only a crow.

"What is it? Go away" Aspen quietly said, wanting the crow fly away.

Aspen followed him behind as Alexander heads back in front of the house and peek inside through the window. All pieces of furniture were covered with dust, broken chairs were seen and the colored floral wallpaper was peeled off.

"This place seems to be... Run by a rich family or something" Aspen said, looking at Alexander. Alexander nodded, agreed with what Aspen commented.

Alexander and Aspen alerted as they hear a sudden sound above the house. They head back to the front porch and Alexander looked at Aspen before opening the door, Aspen nodded.

Alexander slowly opened the door, the squeakiness of the door hinges is evident that the house is old. Old enough that they haven't born yet. They hovered their flashlights as they went inside and wander around.

Alexander went upstairs and Aspen went to the kitchen, Alexander opened a room. A small run-down room, a bed and a brown cabinet is found in the room. Books and pieces of paper scattered in the room, he wanders his eyes around and it landed on a picture frame. He walked towards the picture frame, it's a picture of a woman. A picture of a woman around her 20s, wearing a dress from the 90s. Alexander stared at it and was interrupted by a sudden scream.

Alexander went downstairs and found an Aspen, crying on the floor of the kitchen, trembling at what she saw. Alexander quickly went his way to Aspen, "Hey, hey... What's wrong?"

Aspen's widened eyes slowly looked at Alexander, she is terrified.

"There... There was a woman that stared at me" she said, pointing the kitchen door out.

"What does she look like?" I asked, holding her both shoulders. She took a glance at the kitchen door and look at Alexander. "She wears a white long dress and her face is place and eyes that has tears. Blood tears"

I help Aspen, standing up and aided her as we went out. I face the house before leaving, something is strange. Especially on the picture I saw earlier.

The Misadventure of Alexander Hughesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن