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"So, how are you?" I asked as I sat beside Aspen's bed.

"Fine but..." She paused. I studied Aspen, she's pale. She sits up from her bed and lay her back against the headboard.

"I still got the chills, remembering her face," She said, trembling.

"I also had... A dream about her" she added. My brows furrowed, "A dream?"

"Yeah, a dream about her. We met in school and she choked me, telling me to leave the love of her life alone which made me confused"

Love of her life?

"But you didn't date anyone before, I presume?"

"That's the thing, I haven't dated anyone before"

I put my hand on my chin, thinking. Love of her life, is that lady had a bit of background or something? Is she the same woman that I had in a nightmare? And.. the one in the picture frame that I saw on that house?

"Aspen, have you heard of anything about that house we saw in the woods? About the people who used to live there?"

"I haven't yet. It was the first time that I saw that house and from what I've heard from the people that used to come there. They only heard rustling sounds, the voice of a woman singing and sometimes crying"

"We must find and read a bit of background about the house and who used to live there"

"Yeah, you're right. It just had that eerily vibe that I can't wear off"

I nodded, "How about this? Let's list down the things we should do for this Unsolved Project?"

She gave me a look, "yeah, not a bad idea from you"

I raised my eyebrow, "Are you saying that I always have bad ideas?"

"Base on what I heard from Nick, you are not good at planning things out sooo.."

I laughed, "Damn. That's why you have to find out yourself than to conclude it based on someone else. How did you even get inside the club when you don't think logically"

She grabbed her pillow and about to throw it at me but stopped and rolled her eyes on me, defeated. "Okay, what will the name of the project of our—"

I cut off her sentence, "Do you have a pen and a piece of paper?"

"Just grab something on the table." She said, pointing at the table. I stood up from my seat and walk towards the table and found a blank piece of paper. Aspen saw the woman with blood tears and the mystery behind the woods, I've come up with a title

"Unsolved Case Project: The Mystery behind the Woods" I said, scribbling it on the paper.

Aspen gives me a look, weirded out. "That's lame for a title of a project."

"What are your ideas?" I asked.

"How about... Unsolved Case Project: Woman that cries Blood"

A woman that was in a picture frame, the woman in my nightmare, and the woman that cries with blood tears. The mystery behind the woods and house...

"Unsolved Case Project: The mystery behind the woman that lives in the wood, how does that sound?"

Aspen rolled her eyes, "Too long for a title. Let's just temporarily put it as Unsolved Case Project: the woman behind the mysterious woods"

"Okay," I said and scratch the previous titles and scribble the new one.

"What should we do first?"

"The background behind the house and possibly about the woman I saw" I nodded as I wrote what Aspen dictated.


"The background of how she died, the reason and some stuff that could relate to its case"

"And about the woods and after.. connecting the dots and have a conclusion"

"Alright" I replied as I finished writing it all down.

Unsolved Case Project: The woman behind the mysterious woods

--The background behind:

the house in the woods

the woman that cried blood tears

how the woman died

the reason why she died

stuff that could relate to the case

the woods

--Connecting the dots


" So, you sure about going to school tomorrow?" I asked, folding the paper and put it in my pockets.

She laid her head on the pillow and nodded, "Yeah, cant miss out shit"

I shake my head, amused by the way she replied "True. See you tomorrow then"

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt