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Aspen scoffs, smiling. "Hold on, you are saying Annaliese was your.. father's ex-"sweetheart"?

I nodded, "That's what my aunt told me"

"And since Annaliese was abused, she ran away from home and then stayed in her distant relatives' house but she didn't know about it?"

I nodded, "Yes. She ran away from home but it still remain a mystery on how she died."

Aspen raised her finger, "Wait a second"

I looked at Aspen confused, raising my eyebrows.

"I've read an article about her that she is a victim of witchcraft"

"Sounds like in some witch era" I scoff, shaking my head.

"If you connect it, it is possible she was a victim of witchcraft"

"But how?" I asked.

Annaliese grabbed her phone and type something. A sudden ping is heard on my phone, "Read that"

"I've read about it while you went to the woods in Oak Creek Road but... you went there major fail" Aspen said, looking at the phone I'm holding. I scoff, "Yeah, boomer police officers made a big deal out of it. Anyway.." I averted my gaze and press the link she sent, "Let's read it"

Witchcraft in 1988—Esmeralda de Garcia

It happened in 1988—Annaliese Bolen is found dead on the ancestral house of Bolen in Oak Creek Road. The victim run-away from home after being abused. Click here to read her diary that is evident she is abused.

A local has said that they saw Annaliese talking with the witch doctor named Esmeralda de Garcia

"I thought that she knew about Esmeralda as a swindler that grant wishes and flip them to be evil. You know the locals around here, avoiding Esmeralda"

Esmeralda is known for her evil curses. A lot of locals mysteriously died after talking to her. Esmeralda is found dead in 1997 in the woods in Oak Creek Road, a local found her, lifelessly lying on the drawn pentagram ground.

The death of Annaliese Bolen and the other locals of Oak Creek road is likely from Esmeralda's curse. After the death of Esmeralda, locals in Oak Creek Road peacefully lives.

I looked at Aspen, "Okay, Annaliese died because of the curses but it didn't answer the question of why a lot of people died there when Esmeralda is dead."

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWhere stories live. Discover now