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"Here are your donuts," Alexander said, lifting a white paper bag.

'Donuts?" Tyler asked, rubbing his eyes. "But I don't like them"

"What? But you told me earlier to buy donuts for you"

"Really? You can have them" and Tyler eats his breakfast.

Alexander's shrugged, "Maybe he is just messing with me"


"Yes?" Tyler looked up, munching his food.

"Don't mess with me again, okay? It's bad to play around people" Alexander said, looking at Tyler. "Letting me buy donuts at 2 am and not gonna eat it in the morning, its bad"

'I'm asleep. I don't remember myself, ordering you around to buy me donuts. "

"I see" confused Alexander replied, looking at Tyler. Alexander's brows furrowed, then who would be ordering me around? It was Tyler that I saw.

"I'll be going now"

"Oh, here is your lunch. The bus is 5 minutes away from here already" Alexander said, taking a glance at his watch.

"Thank you" Tyler grabbed his lunch and went out.

"Who was that last night?" I said, scratching my head. "Maybe, it's really Tyler that is messing around," I said and walked back to the kitchen. I grabbed my laptop and started to write the next chapters of my main character wrote. I scrolled down to find if there is any outline that the main character, Kevin wrote.

My eyes halted upon a title, "Unsolved Case's Stories: Synopsis"

I smiled and clicked on the file, my smile slowly disappear as I read the file. There were also bullet points.

Unsolved Case: The Kid that Died on Oak Valley

Synopsis: "What do you often pay to a house? Money. The house for rent at Oak Valley doesn't apply the payment method. Tim, a 5-year-old kid moved out on Oak Valley. He moved out with this brother, Kenny. Kenny is a loving brother. A loving brother that he would kill his brother to protect him from evil. Evil lurks in the house that they moved in after finding out an inverted pentagram on the basement. "One must die, to be the sacrifice. The person who lives inside the house must pay with this soul"

I felt goosebumps, reading the synopsis. Because of the fact that Tyler and I just moved out and not to mention, the location of the book is the same Tyler and I moved out, Kevin must have an imagination that is brutally horrifying.

But how did Kevin knew about this place? Must be researching.

I laid my back against the chair and close the file. I clicked the browser icon, as a reader that doesn't have the experience of writing mystery stories, I typed on my laptop keyboard.

"A Mystery Writer"

Reading the title made me curious, I clicked on the link and it directed me to a homepage and my eyes widened at what I saw. A body of a young boy being slit in each side.

A picture of a young boy being killed and its eyes was lifeless, drown in his blood.


Kevin McSullivan is arrested after running away from home and left his brother, Tyler McSullivan.

The fingerprints that the investigators found on the crime scene match, Kevin. Kevin admitted that he killed his brother after his little brother tried to kill him. It was on October 29, 2016.

I stopped reading and closed the tab. I typed in again, Inspiration for writing Horror and Mystery stories. I scrolled down and clicked on another link. The homepage was dark with its Engravers MT font written, "Mystery Writer: how to find inspiration of writing horror and mystery stories"

I read the passage, scrolling the page down.

"Finding inspiration for writing horror and mystery stories is hard, especially on how to hook your readers. If you are here to find how to find and have the idea of what should the chapter go next, there are a few videos and documents that my favorite author shared with us—his fans."

I saw few videos and few documents below the passage. My eyes widened, my stomach churn as I played a video, it was Kevin. It's Kevin's POV.

"Did you see that? He is not my brother" Kevin said, zooming the camera on a little boy that is crawling like a monster.

Wait, no...

My main character didn't kill... His own brother. I stared at the paused video, the monster looks like Tyler. A doppelganger of Tyler.

I played and the camera drop, I heard few sounds of grunts. Few minutes, Kevin picked the camera and the monster is being tied is about to be killed. The monster scream, 5-year-old scream, and a deep scream-- its fusion.

Alexander looked at the other videos. He scrolled and there were tons of it, some of it where Kevin is doing an unethical surgery on Tyler. It was on Tyler's chest. On the video, it's visible that Tyler winced silently on the needle that is pricked on his chest as his brother sew it on him. And Kevin moved the camera with a smile, Tyler looked at the camera. I paused the video and zoomed it in for details.

It's a serpent under the eyes that has demonic wings. It's embroidered on Tyler's left chest, blood smeared all over his chest.

"How could Kevin do this to his brother?"

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon