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Alexander couldn't remember much details on the volume 1 of the book. All he knew was there was a young girl that died on where Damien studied, he didn't know what does the girl mean of helping her.

"Maybe she needs help, Damien" I said as I looked at Damien.

"Yeah, that's what I also think. She kept following me and I don't exactly know why. All I knew that she was a girl that committed suicide but I don't exactly know the reason and that's why I'm still finding clues. " Damien replied, repeatedly walked in circles.

"I could help you find the clues, Damien."

Damien gave him a smile, "Well, thanks shithead. I appreciate that"

Alexander smiled back. Damien stopped walking in circles and sit on the couch across Alexander "So, how was your work in the convenience store?" Alexander hesitated to share that he saw the girl on the convenience store.

"I saw her at the convenience store" Alexander said, staring at the ceiling.

"She was pointing at something on the convenience store stall and it was a gummy candy. Maybe it was her favorite before she died" Alexander guessed.

Damien nodded, "Maybe, but how could I find more clues?"

"Have you read some few articles about the kid?" Alexander asked, not looking at him.

"I did but it's not enough. All I read was it's a kid that commit suicide. There is also some few reasons why she died and it stated that she died because of bullying and some stated it was a neglection from her parents."

"I see and since that kid died at your school. Have you asked some few staffs at school about the kid?" Alexander asked, looking at him.

"No, I haven't yet. They might think crazy, shit head."

"Who knows? Just ask and I'll do some research about the kid you are talking to. Do you know her name?"

Damien brows furrowed and replied," Her name was Danielle. Danielle Ludwig."

Alexander was about to react when Damien cut him off, "Yeah, we have the same surnames."

"Let's just look for more clues. So, Danielle Ludwig. A girl that committed suicide at your school. How old is she when she died?" Alexander asked. Damien took a deep breath before he replied, "She was 7 years old when she killed herself. It's been 19 years since she died." Damien said as he laid his back against the couch. Alexander calculated when Danielle died, staring from 2015 to..

"So, she died in 1996?" Damien nodded. 19 years had passed but why Danielle kept following Damien. Who is Danielle to Damien?

"Since when did you research about her?"

"4 months ago, I research about her since she started to appear at school and I don't know why she suddenly appear and I thought that maybe she is just a hallucination" Damien said.

" Sometimes in my apartment room, every time I'm studying, I sense she was there and sometimes I felt cold arms that wrapped around me but I shook it off. But every time I ignore her, she appear on my dreams, smiling at me. " Damien explains. Alexander put himself on Damien situation. Alexander seems to figured why Damien likes to know about the kid and not only helping her but for the fact that they have the same surnames, Damien wants know more about it.

"Look, I gotta go. I have to go the library and look for some clues that can relate to Danielle. I think that girl needs my help. I don't have time to waste" Damien said as he stood up and went to the door.

"And thanks, shithead. I appreciate your help. " he said before shutting the door.

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWhere stories live. Discover now