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"Sorry for the mess.." Damien said, picking up his clothes from the floor. "Help yourself," he said and shoved all his clothes, unfolded to his closet. Alexander wandered his eyes on the room. The room is simple, few dishes on the sink were seen, few cans of soda were on the table. Damien is just a typical teenager, the main character of the first volume of a book.

Damien grabbed his empty soda and headed to the kitchen, Alexander sat on a couch, waiting for Damien.

"I have soda, beer..." Damien loudly stated, asking Alexander his preference.

"A coffee will do, please" Alexander replied.

Few minutes later, Damien went out of the kitchen with a coffee in hand. "If you are finding a place to stay, how come you stumbled on the school? I mean, it's obviously a school' Damien asked, handing Alexander his coffee and lay his back against the couch.

Alexander took his coffee, glancing down. "I don't know why I stumbled on the school and I don't know why I am even here"

Alexander doesn't know what happened and how did he end up inside the book. He knew that the book has a lot of volumes to be read on so it would mean, he has a lot to come across with.

Alexander noticed that Damien's brows furrowed, confused about what he just said. Alexander told Damien to not mind what he said.

"Anyway, where did you studied?" Damien said as he took the telephone. "Maybe I'll call your pare—"

"No, no need to call them. I... I ran away from home' Alexander lied. Alexander couldn't come up with excuses. Damien put the telephone back and look at Alexander from head to toe.

Alexander finished drinking his coffee and offered to wash the unclean dishes on the sink. Letting a stranger sleep in your apartment is not a wise thing to do, Damien examines Alexander from head to toe. He seems not a bad person.

"You know, I regret letting you stay in my apartment," Damien said, "I can't tell if you are a bad person or just a person that is pretending to be nice and has the plan to kill me"

Alexander's eyes widened, he couldn't blame Damien. They just met. Alexander finished cleaning the dishes and faced Damien, "I'm done, cleaning the dishes. Anyway, I should get going. " Alexander said as he wiped his hand with a towel.

"Thank you for letting me stay in your apartment and let me drink a cup of coffee" Alexander walked out but halted as Damien grabbed his wrist.

"But I didn't say that you should leave." Damien said, "Wait here."

Alexander remains standing and waits for Damien as Damien went to his room. A few minutes later, Damien went back with clothes in his hand, and a pair of shoes, and a few essentials. Damien handed it to Alexander, "here"

Alexander stood up and stared at it, hesitating to take what Damien handed him.

"Are you gonna take it or not?" Alexander takes it.

"You will be staying in room 201. Second floor, left. I don't trust you and I don't like someone sleeping in my room especially a stranger. Now go there and I already called the landlord that you'll occupy that space" Alexander is grateful for what Damien did.

He won't blame that Damien doesn't trust him because they're strangers but he appreciated that Damien called the landlord so that he has a place to sleep and stay. Alexander smiled at him, "Than--"

Alexander's sentence cut off as Damien closed his door, not listening to Alexander's reply.

"-ank you, Damien" Alexander continued.

Alexander walked himself to room 201. The apartment building is quiet-- It is defeaning quiet. It is a three-storey building and has a lot of rooms that are already occupied. As Alexander walked himself through the empty and quiet corridors, he couldn't get rid of uneasiness. Something is so uneasy.

He walked to through the downstairs and his eyes widened. Alexander's eyes widened as he saw a girl, wearing a white mini dress with its black hair covering its white pale face, holding a teddy bear. It was a little girl.

Alexander was stunned by what he saw and couldn't speak as he heard the voice of the girl, emanating sadness. "Hi, mister. Please help me"

Alexander was frozen. His heart pound against his chest as the girl slowly walking towards him. "Mister.. can you help me?"

Alexander never met a ghost before nor supernatural entities. He never believes in those, he reads a book about horror and thrillers but never believes in them that they exist. He thought that all the supernatural entities that depict in movies and books were fictitious.

"Why are you standing there?' Alexander looked behind him and it was Damien.

"There is... there is someone who asked my help and—" Alexander stopped mid-way as he turned around and didn't saw the little girl that was standing on the corner of the stairs. Damien knew it was the girl that he sometimes saw in the school. A little girl is trying to get near him.

"You are seeing things. I thought you already arrived in your room. Anyway, have a good night's sleep. I'll be buying some foods near the convenience store" Alexander nodded and continued to walk.

"Damien?" Damien halted his tracks and faced him, "Thank you, Damien."

"For what?"

"For calling the landlord and letting me stay here" Damien scoffed, "but what I'm doing is not free, shithead. I have a task for you but I'm too tired explaining so, I'll say it tomorrow"

Alexander was stunned, "What kind of task does he mean?" he asked himself.

"Anyway, go to your room, shithead," Damien said and continue to walk downstairs. Alexander nodded and arrived at the room and doze himself off.

The neighbor was quiet, it was already 11 pm. Damien walked himself to the convenience store, the guy standing in the cash register of the convenience store welcomed him as he entered.

"Why does that girl wants to be nearby me?' Damien asked himself as he picked some chips and drinks. Damien's eyes widened as he took a glance in the convex mirror and saw that girl behind him. He stared at the girl as the girl slowly walks towards him. He looked behind him and the girl was gone.

He shook his thoughts and proceed to the cashier. As he waits for the cashier to finish scanning the items, Damien looked at the side of the convenience store and saw the girl looking at him outside. Damien took a deep breath and averted his gaze.

"Do you ever believe those horror stories where they saw a ghost or some unexplained entities?" Damien asked as the cashier is still scanning the items that Damien picked.

"Nope, those just bullshit to me," the cashier said and handed him the items, "here. If you've seen one, chill out." And Damien took the plastic bag and went out.

As he walked himself back to the apartment, Damien has a lot of questions.

"Who are you... " Damien muttered under his breath.

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora