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"Whoaaaa, this house is big. We'll live here?" Tyler asked, pointing at the house on the newspaper page. Alexander looked at Tyler and replied with a smile. "Do you like it?"

Tyler looked back at the newspaper page he is holding and nodded, "I like it"

Alexander rustle Tyler's hair, "Then, we'll live there and move out here"

Tyler's eyes lit up and smiled, he wrapped his arms around Alexander. Alexander doesn't know what to respond, he smiles and hugged Tyler as if he sees Tyler as a young brother. Tyler pulled away from his embrace.

The next day, Alexander felt a slight tug on his shirt. He groaned and blocked the sun rays that pierce his eyes. "Kevin, kevin"

Alexander squinted his eyes, looking at Tyler already dressed up. "Why are you so dressed up? What time is it already—"

Alexander suddenly got up and almost lost his balance as he was stumbled with few boxes that were packed by him and Tyler yesterday.

"Sorry, Tyler. I'll make you a quick breakfast. What do you want, sunny side up? Bacon?" Alexander asked as he switches the stove on and starts to make Tyler's breakfast.

"Toasted bread, sunny side up, and bacon please with orange juice too," Tyler said, looking at Alexander.

"I know you are busy writing your novels last night that I couldn't almost sleep because of the tapping of your keyboards," Tyler said as he sits on the kitchen chair.

"You always type on your keyboards like tak-tak-tak-taka-taka" Tyler added, imitating the sound of Alexander's tapping of laptop keyboards. Alexander let a small laugh and a small tint of red is visible on his cheeks.

"Sorry about that" Alexander said as he put Tyler's requested breakfast. "Here you go. Sorry that your brother hasn't made your breakfast early in the morning" and sits across Tyler.

"It's okay. Back then, you don't have time to make breakfast for me and doesn't have time to play with me or hang out. You just always buy me food and told me not to disturb you always when you are writing" Tyler said as he eats, "and you are now.." Tyler looked at his side, avoiding Alexander's gaze.

"caring about me and help me when I don't understand a math problem"

"Wait, Tyler's brother.. doesn't do the duty of being a big brother?" Alexander mouth-opened, looking at Tyler. "Because he is busy with his novels? Must be stressful."

Alexander gave Tyler a smile and let his hand support his cheeks, looking at Tyler. "You need my attention that's why I have to manage it too."

There was a visible red on Tyler's cheek, looking down as he eats. Alexander intently looks at Tyler that is glancing down, eating his food. Tyler acts like a bit mature for his age on Alexander's first meeting with him that made Alexander worried after going to school by himself. At Tyler's age, he needs attention from a big brother.

Alexander heard the sudden ringing of his phone, he stood up and went to the couch. He grabbed it and answered, "Hey, sorry. Tyler is still eatin—"

"Dude, chill. Just called you because you might be sleeping right now but glad you are awake at this hour. It's still 7 am and you usually woke up at 4 in the afternoon." Leonard replied at the other line, "Take your time, I'll be waiting for you guys here" and ended the call.

Alexander put the phone in his pockets, "Kevin must be lazier than me. I usually woke up at 8 or 10 am"

"Who was that?" Tyler asked, looking at Alexander.

"It was big brother Leonard"

Tyler raised his eyebrows, "Big brother Leonard? But you usually call him the big fuc--"

"Okayy, are you done eating?" Alexander asked, cutting Tyler's sentence.

Quiet shock of what Tyler said, "How does this "Kevin" raise his little brother alone?" Alexander said to himself. At that age, he shouldn't be saying shit or any f-bombs.

"Already done" Tyler plainly replied. Alexander smiled and walked towards Tyler, he bent down and looked at Tyler in the eyes.

"Tyler, don't ever say any f-bombs or shit, okay? I don't want to hear my young brother saying those words because it's not cool at all. Don't ever say any f-bombs, okay?"

Tyler nodded, "Okay"

Alexander smiled, "I'll clean the dishes and we'll go head to our new home"

"But what about you? You haven't eaten breakfast yet?"

"It's okay. I'm not hungry. Go ahead and relax for a bit." Tyler nodded and sits down on the couch, Alexander looked at him and noticed Tyler pulled out something from his pocket and unfolded it. It was the paper Tyler received from a classmate.

"In movies, when a classmate gave you a terrifying art.. it has meaning behind it. And that art his classmate gave him, it was Tyler but lifeless." Alexander said to himself and shakes his head.

"Hey.." Alexander called out. Tyler looked at him, with the art in hand. "Yeah?"

"What's the name of your friend again?" Alexander asked, pointing at the paper. "The one who made that art for you..."

"Oh, It's Claude"

"Were you two close?"

"Not that really, we are friends more like 3 weeks now since he just transferred"

"I see..' Alexander said and sits beside him, looking at the paper Tyler in his hand. "Do you often see him draw that kind of stuff?"


Alexander's eyes widened as he saw what's on the paper, a pale face man with a slit throat, looking at him smiling. Half of the face is burnt and the other half of the face has cracks.

"You are cool in here, aren't you?" Tyler said, looking at the paper. He slowly turned around, looking at Alexander. Rotten sharp teeth and black eyes with few of Tyler's hair is burnt and loss.

Alexander screamed and sits up, he touched his forehead and was sweating.

"You okay?" Alexander took a glance on his side, Tyler is busy packing his bag with few potato chips.


"Anyway, we're late. Leonard is waiting at the house" and Tyler hoists his bag.

Alexander nodded, "I'll go wash my face up" and head to the bathroom. He reached for the doorknob and went inside, Alexander sighed as he turns on the faucet.

"How many times do I have to encounter nightmares in this book?" Alexander said as he caress his throat.

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWhere stories live. Discover now