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I hate getting this kind of attention. A lot of girls looked at me as I walked my way to the shelves in the library. Looking and finding the record of the teachers in the library is frustrating.

"Hey, do you need some help?"

"No" I replied to the girl without looking at the girl. In my peripheral vision, she is wearing the school's uniform with a book in her hand. "Okay," she gently replied, placing the book on the shelves and walking away. Upon her walkout, I heard that she muttered "jerk"

I scoffed and shake the thought, this is why I hate girls. Girls like two things: 1.) they like when guys like them back especially attractive ones. 2.) they think that guys like me likes to flirt which is not completely true.

Defeated, I dug my hands on my pocket and looked around. Students were busy, studying. My eyes landed on the librarian's desk, I noticed the room behind her.

"Hey" I said, walking towards her with a smile. She looked up and flustered and put a strand of her hair back on her ear. "Hi"

"Say can y—"

Cutting me off, huh? "Sorry but a favor.."

I slowly nodded and ask, "Sure, what is it?"

" Sorry.. But I want to go the restroom. Can you wait for me here? " she asks. Maybe this could be my chance to go inside the room behind her, I nodded and said with a smile "Sure"

She quickly hops off her chair and walks out. I quickly went inside the room and before shutting the door, I looked around, checking if there is a student who saw me going inside this room. Tons of records was arranged on the shelves. I looked everywhere and saw the records with their timelines. 2003, 1998... Ah, bingo.

I pulled out a record book under the 1996 timeline and didn't hesitate to flip the pages, looking for the name of the teacher. I pulled the piece of paper on the back of my pockets.



I stopped flipping the pages as I saw a gingered hair woman with emerald green eyes, what a babe. Under the picture, a name was written Michelle Mcfinley. I flipped through the pages and haven't found a Mcfinley surname other than hers. I quickly took out my phone and took a photo of it. Looking at my phone watch, I already spent 9 minutes here. Shit. I quickly put the book back on the shelves and hurriedly went out of the librarian's desk. In my peripheral vision, the librarian is walking towards here. She came back. I act as if I'm waiting for the librarian

"Thanks for the wait, handsome" I act as if I'm flattered by her words, I smirked and smile at her. "I couldn't deny to such beauty like you" She flustered and glance down, she must be one of the girls that used to flirt with me that could get easily be flustered by words. The librarian grabbed the books from the librarian's desk. She shot me a smile and walks to the shelves with books in her hand. I followed her, "Can I ask?"

She nodded, "What is it?"

"Uh. Do you know about the incident of a kid that committed suicide here? In this campus?" She put the books on the shelves before she replies, "yes but that was passed from my grandmother that served here in the school. It was a long time ago."

"How long?" I asked.

"It happened in 1996" Finding more answers, I asked her again. "What happened, could you tell me?"

"My grandmother told me that there was a student that died on the campus in 1996. She was working as a librarian too and often seen the girl spending her time here on the library" she said, looking around the library. "My grandmother told me that the kid likes to read books and often sneak under her seat eating a gummy candy and my grandmother let her be."

I smiled," So Danielle likes gummy huh. What a cute kid" I said to myself.

"The kid sometimes smile but sometimes cry. My grandmother sometimes saw her crying here in the library, hiding between the shelves. Grandmother would go to her and comfort her. The kid shared something and it was about her family. I don't remember what does she mean of her family but that was the only thing that my grandmother said to me."

A thought of Danielle crying between the shelves made my heart squeezed and I don't know why "And it happened. My grandmother was shocked about the incident and also mourned her death. It is even sadder that there was no family member that claimed her body after the incident."

Why does hearing about Danielle that took her life made me want to cry, I hate being emotional. I looked at her and still arranging the books.

"I'm sorry... but I gotta go. I have to fetch my little sister from her school" I lied, apologetically looking at her.

"Awww, what a sweet man you are... but.." She walks towards me, biting her lower lip.

"Can I get your number? You are.. just so hot and.." I smirked, "Give me your phone"

She pulled out her phone and handed it to me, I typed my number and handed it her back. She smiled at me, "visit here soon" she said, flirtatiously.

"Of course," I said with a wink, storming my out. As I turned my back on her, I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

I hate flirting.

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWhere stories live. Discover now