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"Loving someone is to let them go if they dont want love you anymore. " and claps were heard.

"Anyone else to share their speech?" the teacher asked. I averted my gaze and looked at the window, what a lame speech they had. The bell suddenly rang, its lunchtime.

"See you for the next meeting, class" the teacher said and we all got out. Alexander recalled of what happened before they went to the woods, he heard someone called him outside of his house. I took out my phone, it was Aspen.

"See me at cafeteria!" I put the phone back in my pockets, heading to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is filled with students, chattering with friends and being in their own groups.

"Have you ever heard someone called you out?" I asked, not looking at Aspen as I poked my untouched food. She looked at me, munching her food.

"No" she said, brows furrowed. "Why?"

"The night before we went to the woods, I heard someone called my name outside the house. I didn't mind about it but.. I heard they said, come and be with us"

Aspen titled her head, drinking her juice box. "Interesting. Never encountered that before"

"I see" I sighed and put down my fork, not eating my food.

"butttt" I looked at Aspen, "But what?"

"But I've heard that it was some sort of a demon that likes to trick you when you are alone. They like to lure people that are alone especially.. wait, what time did you hear someone calling you out?"

"Around 2 am" Aspen eyes' widened, surprised. "Did you know, my cousin also had an experience about that. She is a horror writer. Imagine the creeps right?" I nodded, letting her continue.

"And she was writing the chapters of her horror stories and someone suddenly called her and it was around 1am, she ignored it. The calling stops but it was around 3am, she heard someone laughing. A muffled laugh outside her room, it's a devilish muffled laugh" Aspen narrates, hugging herself.

"I still remember the creeps. She stops writing and went to bed when she saw her chair moved and note, she was not sitting on it anymore. My cousin said, it was probably a devil trying to distract her or some sort of supernatural thing that likes to scare her off. If I'm her, I would be dead"

"I never knew you are scared to things like that. Given the fact that you join—" Aspen cut my sentence off , hitting my elbow. "I'm not scared, its just.. creepy"

I rolled my eyes of her irony and my eyes landed near the cafeteria exit, it was the girl that I saw last time. She isn't that.. creepy.

"Phobus! Hey!" I jolted and look at Aspen,"What?"

"You staring at someone?" and she moves her eyes to where I was staring and she  is gone again. I sighed, "Look. I know you wouldn't believe me but.. I saw someone, staring at me. She is wearing a floral dress and her face is so pale and—"

"Phobus, stop. You are just hallucinating" I sighed and looked back on my food. I'm sure its not a hallucination, who was that girl exactly?

"Hey, we should go" Aspen said, hoisting her bag. I nodded and shake my thought off. Maybe, I'm just hallucinating. Its been chapters that I'm in this book, I'm just hallucinating.

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