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"Have you found a picture of Annaliese before she died?" Aspen shakes her head, "None. And about the house, it's not their extended family. It was their distant relative living that house."

I took out the paper, "So, we are done for the woods and about the girl that cried blood tears? That's it?"

Aspen looked at me, "We need to look more, it's still kind of vague that Annaliese would be the girl that cries blood. Anyway, have you seen Finley? I never saw him ever since I was sick."

'Oh, he was looking for you the other day."


I looked up, "And that's the only thing I know" Customers looked up to the television screen, Aspen continued eating. I looked up at the television screen, "The victim is identified as Finley Walter."

My eyes widened and looked at Aspen as expected, Aspen's eyes widened and tears welled up on the corner of her eyes. She couldn't believe it, I looked back at the television screen and the pictures of Finley that are censored is displayed.

"He was missing Friday afternoon, the mother of the victim went to the police department to search for his son. The victim was found yesterday at 12 pm in the Oak Woods, dead. His back has scratches as if it was being clawed by a wild animal and his neck was reddish. The investigators and police are under investigation. He hung beside his girlfriend for an unknown amount of time."

"H-He just told me that he and his girlfriend will go to their friend's party and... and" The mother of Finley stopped her mid-sentence, crying over the fact that her son died.

'I-I... She is my only daughter and.." The mother of Finley's girlfriend wobbly spoke, crying. "I won't able to see her again.." and covered the journalist's camera.

Aspen slowly looked at me, tears streamed down her face. "Wh-What's happening? I-I dont understand. Wh-Why do they have to do this to us? I-I.." and she stormed out of the diner. I run after her, "Aspen!"


"What?!" she angrily replied.

"I know the death of Finley was sudden, lets calm down"

"Calm down?! How the fuck would I calm down on that kind of news, Phobus? Huh?!" She sighed out of defeat, "You know what, leave me alone. " and she walked towards her motorbike and drove off.

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