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"What are the theories we wrote?" Not looking at Aspen, I pulled my paper out of my bag and hand it to Aspen.


Annaliese could be a victim of "love" and died from poison.

The Bolen' House is cursed after the murder massacre that happened in the 1970s, which could be why Annaliese died.

"The theory of the Bolen's house is unlikely but Annaliese being a victim of love. Why I could say that?" Aspen asked, looking at me.

"Connect the dots. Remember what Ann said? Love. Cheat and Curse? It could be true that Annaliese is cursed and the curse still lives on. She doesn't have cuts nor bruises it would because she is clean of heart. She didn't cheat nor hurt her partner."

"But what if Esmeralda did that? My aunt told me that before she died, she was found dead in the drawn pentagram in the ground"

"Pentagrams are not bind with evil but inverted pentagrams symbolize satanism" Aspen said. "Could be possible that Esmeralda draw that inverted pentagram to curse everyone but as we all know, It's all about summoning evil"

"Unless she would pass evil to someone"

'Just like in movies?" Aspen said, raising her eyebrows. I slowly nodded, "Uh... I mea—"

"But Phobus, it's just fiction. In movies, books.. it's all fiction. Everything they put on there is not true"

But this is a book so, everything could be applied because this is just fiction.

"But sometimes what depict in movies are true"

"If you want to debate with me, cut it!" Aspen said and give me the paper that I handed her. I took it from her hand, looking at her.

"But let's say that Annaliese is the one who bring curse in the woods at Oak Creek Road and not Esmeralda.. more like passing the curse magic into Annaliese"

"But why would all of the people, Esmeralda would pass it to her?"

"Do you remember why Annaliese is still new at the Oak Creek Road? She doesn't even know that she is staying in her distant relative's house. She run-away from home"

Aspen put her hand under her chin," A theory that Annaliese is cursed because of Esmeralda. Annaliese's heart is full of hate and anger because of a betrayal from a lover"

"Love affects a person, huh?' I said, not looking at her.

"Wh- Of course! Love affects a person—could grow or destroy the person. You know.." Aspen paused. "Loving a person is a risky thing to do. Either you'll be the one hurting and destroy yourself or you'll be inspired. Sometimes, pain is the twin of love. They couldn't be divided. If there was no pain in love, then... how could you say that's love when you felt no pain at all?"

"I know... I've been there before"

'You did?" Aspen asked, not believing me.

'Yeah and if this is another episode to tell what happened to me in the past then, no' I said and grab all my belongings.

"It would be too nice if you would share it with me,"

Alexander felt something about Phobus's past, it's like they're connected. Alexander is connected to a fictional character.

Alexander sit down and sighed.

"Come on, share. I've shared mine on how I had a crush on Nick"

"I had a crush on a girl, she is beautiful and gentle. She is a year ahead of me, I met her when I was in a bus station. It was love at first sight, I thought about her and I never knew we will be schoolmates. She was not studying here." I narrated. "We became lovers but then I was busy. I don't have time for her and then, one day.. I saw her in the arms of my brother. They're in love, I never knew she dated my brother."

"How pity" Aspen remark.

"I confronted her and she told me she fell out of love because I don't have time for her. I remember she said, "even the strongest feelings would fell out of love when they're ignored and neglected. I give up on her and gave her to my brother where she is happy the most" I added. "But.. now, I saw her crying. The woman that I should suppose to be the one making her happy, making her smile is crying because of my stupid brother"

"Oh, sorry for judging you of being a playboy and dating a lot of women" I scoff at Aspen's reply, "That's why you should find more evident details to conclude not to assume"

She nodded and looked at me with a pity expression, "Don't give me that look, Aspen. I'm okay, I just want her to be happy that's all. No regrets"

"Damn, must be a lucky girl if they date you" I heard Aspen muttered, I pretended not to hear it. "We're too off of the main topic."

Aspen laughed, "I know but thank you for sharing"

"It's okay at least I had the acknowledgment that I'm not a playboy like anyone thinks," I said, smiling.

'Sorry about that. I mean, boys are shits. Not generalizing though"

"yeah but sometimes, you have to know what they're like before concluding. It's not good to assume what they're like"

"Yeah yeah, old man."

"I ain't old.."

"I know but you act like an old man so, yeah. Wait.." Aspen paused, "maybe I should call you as an "old man", you sound so mature when you are talking to me"

"No, I don't have grandchildren so don't call me that" Aspen laughed, "Payback timeeee"

"No!" I said, laughing. I blocked Aspen from tickling me. "No,"

"Oh, it's a yes, old man" and I kept laughing as she tickled me. The bell suddenly rang, time to go eat lunch. Aspen sits up and hoists her bag.

"What a weak old man you are," she said as she offered her hand to me, to make me stand up. I shake my head and stood up on my own, "Oh, Old man didn't need my help? That's impressive"

I rolled my eyes and move my face closer to hers, "If you keep calling me an old man, I'll make you as my old woman too"

Aspen's eyes widened and flustered, she averted her gaze, "Not cool" and she went out. I shake my head in amusement, grabbed my bag, and head out. I suddenly felt a vibration in my pocket.

Message from an unknown sender

I opened the message and my eyes widened.

"Hello, seems you two are having fun. Enjoy till it last"

Aspen stopped as we heard the telephone ring, I slowly sit up. Aspen looked at me and I nodded. She stood up from her seat and walks towards the telephone. She grabbed and answered the telephone.

"Hello?" Aspen answered.

Aspen's eyes widened and slowly put the phone back, she looked at me. "Why did they knew about our every move?"

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWhere stories live. Discover now