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The rays from the sun pierced through the bus windows, Annaliese slowly opened her eyes. It was a small town with few people around. the bus stops and passengers hop off, Annaliese didn't know where she is. She hops off and wanders her eyes around. Annaliese saw a few people heading to market, she followed. The subtle chatters of the people on the marketplace couldn't hide the loud sound of her stomach grumbling as the freshly baked pie and the hot served meat hit on her nostrils.

She starts digging into her pockets, she doesn't have money. Sighed defeatedly, she sat on the cold cobblestones. She looked at the people's feet going back and forth when someone suddenly blocked the view.

Annaliese looked up, it was a hooded figure. "Would you like to have a wish or do you want me to read you, young lady? you seem to be troubled."

"Hi, thank you but if you are looking for money. I don't have one." Annaliese replied, with a subtle smile.

"I don't need money, young lady, I'm here to help. Come with me."

Annaliese stood up and glance sideways, no one seemed to notice them. Annaliese turned around and walked through the small alley.

The hooded figure halts its tracks, Annaliese looked at what's before them. It was a plain door, the hooded figure reached for the doorknob and opened the door.

The hooded figure led her in, Annaliese wanders her eyes around a dark room. Nothing could be seen, for the moment, she thought that she will be killed. She heard a sudden flick of a switch, dark violet neon lights illuminates the room. Jars with unknown creatures inside, candles that melted were seen and few unknown symbols were written on the walls.

"Don't be frightened, dear. I won't hurt you" the old woman said as she lifts her hood, revealing herself. "Come, dear. Sit"

Annaliese sits across the table, "Who are you?"

"I'm someone that some people rely on to" she said as she arranged few bottles and sat on a chair across Annaliese.

A crystal ball and few cards were seen on the table, "Now.." the old woman said as she grabbed the cards and started to shuffle.

"I just want to confirm of what aura I felt as I saw you" she said as she spread the cards. "Pick three"

Annaliese grabbed three cards and gave it to the old woman.

"Pain and anger. Have you hated someone, dear?" she asked. Annaliese hates the two person of her life: her father and her sweetheart. She felt so much anger.

"No" Annaliese plainly lied.

The old woman smiles, "I see.."

"Take this pen here, dear. Write everything you want with this pen. All what you felt" the old woman said as she handed Annaliese with a feather.

"But it's.. a feather?"

"Just use it as your pen, I'm sure that you'll feel relieved after writing all your feelings. Right now.. I can't stand letting you drown in the dark abyss of sadness and hate. I thought that a pen could help you as much it helped me"

Annaliese smiled as she put it inside her bag, "Thank you"

'I'm glad that I saw that smile" the old woman said. "Have anyone visited you here?" Annaliese asked, she felt that no one seemed to visit this place.

"No, dear. No one liked to visit here, some even avoided me when they see me"

"But why?"

"I don't know but enough of me dear, do you like cookies? I woul--" the old woman's sentence is cut off as she stood up.

"No, its fine. I better get going. I was waiting for a companion." Annaliese excused.

"Oh.." The old woman said, "Okay, dear. Be careful. "

Annaliese only smiled as she looked at the old woman, she hoists her bag. "Thank you for the pen" and she heads out.

As Annaliese was outside, she couldn't wear off the heavy vibe inside the room. Annaliese walked through the small alley, she looked back once on the door.

"Huh? But I'm sure the door was in there?" Annaliese said to herself. She shakes her head off and continued walking, "Maybe, I'm just hungry"


"hey, thief!" and Annalise ran. She ran through the busy crowds as she is being followed by the store clerk and make herself out of the marketplace. She ran and went to the woods, had the thought its the best way not to be found out. She recklessly ran and halted, panting for air. She looked up and found a house in the middle of the woods. She looked where she ran and no one seemed to follow her, she looked at the house. The gates were a bit rusty, the untrimmed dried grass covered the space before the house. She wander her eyes on the house, windows were broken

The wooden stairs creaked as Annaliese took a step. She jolted as she heard the cawing of the crows. She looked up and few crows flew in circles, she shakes her head, not minding the crows. She halted from reaching the doorknob and reach for the doorbell, no one answered. She pushed the doorbell again. No one answered.

She peak inside through the window, few types of furniture were covered with cloth. Shelves were covered with a bit of dust. No one seemed to be living here, she said to herself. She reaches for the doorknob and went inside. Tired from running, she drops her bag and lay on the couch, drifting to sleep.

November 20, 1988

Oak Creek Road

Police and paramedics came and parked their cars on the side of the road at Oak Creek Road. The subtle chatters of the investigators and police that came were heard on the location, investigating what happened inside an old big house in the middle of the woods at Oak Creek Road.

"Around what time you assumed it happened?" a private investigator asked looking around at the crime scene.

"Around 3 am"

A body of an 18-year-old girl is found, paramedics checked the body. Investigators studied the woman.

Police and investigators further went to the back of the old big house, finding some clues.

Police hovered his flashlight and found a bag that is on the end of a big tree root, pushed by the current of the water. It's a brown knapsack. He walked and reached for the bag, he takes the bag and looks at the contents.

"Annaliese," he muttered as he found a picture that has few smears of blood.

The Misadventure of Alexander HughesWhere stories live. Discover now