Just the way you are

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Thanks fireeeeanddddiceeee  for another title for the one shots :) I really hope you like this one. 

Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow are two very different teenagers. While one of them is a famous athlete in his school, the other is a typical bookworm. However, in the midst of so many differences, there are similarities between the two, not only the evident ones,like being in the same school and in the same class, but there are some that only appear when you pay attention.

Although classes started only a month ago, Barry's test scores were not at all famous and his football coach was already hitting on him to get his grades up. So Barry had a brilliant idea! The next morning he was looking for his classmate Caitlin Snow and when he found her he asked her to be his tutor in the subjects he was not getting away with.

Caitlin, after thinking about it for a while, decided to help him. They didn't know it yet but this day was the beginning of a beautiful story of friendship and love. For the next two weeks, they agreed to meet two days a week for the study session, but each time the days passed, the more time they spent together, until a day came when you didn't see any of them without the other's company.

What started as a mutual help relationship between two colleagues in the same class, became a beautiful friendship and even managed to make it through to a beautiful beginning of the relationship. I say start, because although the two are completely crazy about each other, neither of them wants to admit it. Barry doesn't want to do it, because he is afraid to let someone else into his life, for fear of getting hurt in the future and Caitlin says nothing, because she vividly believes that a boy like Barry would never look twice at a "bookworm".

Two months had passed and it was the winter ball week. Every year, the school organizes a ball on the last day of classes, before the Christmas and New Year holidays, as it is a way to reward students for a complicated class period. Every year, Barry went alone and ended the night dancing with all the girls who would invite him to dance, but this year it would be different.

He already had the plan outlined. The first step was to go and collect his two tickets for the ball, because without them, they would not be able to enter. Then he would invite her to be his partner for the dance and on the day of the dance, as soon as they were returning home, he would finally tell her his feelings, whether they were mutual or just one-sided. Barry was sick of suffering for the fear of telling her!

- I'm glad to see you. I looked for you all over the school, but I should have guessed that you were here.- said Barry arriving at the classroom, where they were going to have the next class in the morning.

- You know you could have just sent a message asking where I was, right?

- I know, but I didn't remember that detail, but that doesn't matter anymore. Look, have you already picked up your tickets for this Friday's ball?

- Not by chance yet. I was going to take care of that at lunch, but why do you ask?

- Great! I have something for you, "said Barry, handing Caitlin an envelope.

- What is this?

- Open it and see, oh smart!

"These are tickets for the ball," Caitlin said without realizing why Barry had handed her the tickets.

- These are our tickets to the ball. I want you to be my date.

- Do you want me to be your date? Really?  Wouldn't you rather go with your friends on the football team?

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