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As soon as we arrived in Central City, Oliver warned Barry that we were here to track down intel on a killer who uses lethal steel boomerangs. Since we were in the city of Barry, we ended up joining our forces to capture our villains. However, as expected, our mission was not very cordial. While Oliver tried to teach Barry to be more mindful of his surroundings, Barry decided to go after Bivolo by himself.

Bivolo is a meta-human who was affected by the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion, leaving him with the power to manipulate people's emotions . And when Barry decided to go after him alone, in the middle of the confrontation, Bivolo used his powers to control Barry's mind. Oliver manages to wrangle Barry long enough for Harrison Wells and Joe to use strobe light to reset Barry's emotional state .

- No signs of macular damage, your retina and cornea seem unaffected.- said Caitlin.

- I told you, I'm fine.- said Barry.

- He said Bivolo whammied you, no desire to go MMA on any of us?

- Well, yeah, I mean something weird happed with his eyes for a second.

- Weird thing? - asked Caitlin.

- Yeah, everything went red.- Barry said getting up.- Next thing bivolo was gone. Look obviously his powers didn't work on me so ..

- It was stupid for you to go out there alone. You take to many risks. As fast as you are, that's going to catch up with you.- said Caitlin.

- Caitlin, I am not Ronnie. You got to stop treating me like I am.

- You're right. You're not! -said Caitlin leaving our side upset.

- What?

- You are such a lovable dummy.

- What? Because?

- Really, Barry? Do you really need me to explain? "I asked, crossing my arms.

- I already know that I exaggerated a little and should not have said those things.

- You shouldn't. She knows perfectly well that you are not Ronnie and she always knew, she is just worried about you and rightly so. Your actions have consequences, Barry.

- I know that, believe me, but I really thought I would be able to capture him.

- But you should have waited. You more than anyone, you know that a mission is only a success when working as a team and you today, acted on impulse. In fact, as you've been doing a lot of times lately.

- Caitlin told you about Iris, didn't she?

- Yes, I had to put pressure on her a little but I managed to get her to tell me. In fact, I think she was in need of a rant.

- To blurt out? But why? Is she really that upset with me because of this?

- You really haven't figured it out yet, have you?

- But realize what?

- That she likes you.

- I like her too, so what?

- Barry, she really likes you, - I said and seconds later he made an expression of understanding. - And from what I could see, you also like her a lot, you may not know it yet or you don't want to admit it, but I can see that you do.

- You know that I have been in love with Iris since I was little. - Barry said sitting in a chair and I sat next to him.

- Do you want me to tell you what I really think about this whole situation? - I asked and he nodded. - I think you are not in love with Iris, you are obsessed with her! In such a way that you never considered giving anyone else a chance. Barry, I see how you look at Caitlin, it's different. It is not just a look of friendship, there is something there, you just have to be open to new experiences.


Hearing Felicity say those words made me wonder if she was right. It was like something suddenly cleared up inside me and I think she has a point, when she says that between me and Caitlin there is something more than a simple friendship. The truth is that for a few weeks now, that I have felt different when I'm around her, but I never wanted to explore anything else because I like Iris.

After this conversation with Felicity ended, I went looking for Caitlin to apologize for the way I spoke to her a little while ago. The truth is that she was right and I shouldn't have rushed to go looking for Bivolo alone.

"Can I sit down?" I asked as soon as I got to her side.

"You can!" She replied and I sat beside her on the stairs.

- I'm sorry!

"Sorry for what?" She asked me with an air of confusion.

- For talking to you the way I did. For my mindless acts of recent times and for using my Flash mask to see Iris.

- You don't need to apologize for the last two things. I should not be involved in these matters, after all you are already grown up to make your own decisions.

- Yes, I do! I have been acting on impulse lately and I know that they have consequences not only for me, but for the rest of the team. And I shouldn't have made that comment about Ronnie.

- You really hurt me. Barry, I know you're not Ronnie, but I care about you.

- I know and I'm sorry for that. I don't like when we're upset.

- Me either.

"So does that mean we're okay?" I asked, looking closely at her.

Now that I am right here leaning against her, I can see details that I probably never noticed. Wow, what beautiful eyes! I always thought they were beautiful, but this close up, they are magnificent.

"We are!" She exclaimed, smiling.

- I promise I will think twice before I go crazy, but you have to promise me that you won't stop worrying about me.

- It's a promise.

As soon as she said everything was fine between us, it felt like a weight had finally come off my shoulders. After our conversation, Caitlin and I went back to the cortex, where besides our friends from STAR Labs, there was also the Arrow team. As they had helped us to capture Bivolo, it was our turn to help them and for that, Cisco, Caitlin and I went, along with Felicity, John and Oliver to Starling City.

And I promise the universe that when we get back to STAR Labs, I'll think about the conversation I had with Felicity and I'll think about the possibility of moving on with my love life and once and for all, forgetting my obsession for my best friend, Iris West.

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