'Theorosa I Have Your Baby'

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Just so you guys know why I'm posting slowly, I'm currently doing an online course for astrology and when I'm writing about the videos I like to make sure I write the whole thing out in one go so I can let you know how many parts it will be in (did that make sense? Probably not) any way I'm sorry for the slow updates but I still hope you enjoy ❤️

The Origin Part 1/4

After Colby makes a few calls we manage to get someone called Tim who is a demonologist and will accompany us tonight at Theorosas bridge. We get into the car and once again Sam drives the car to the bridge
"Here we are" Sam says as he stops the car. We all get out and see the guy next to his car so we walk over to him
"Colby, how you doing?"
"Timothy nice to meet you" Colby and Tim shake hands
"Talia" I was the last to shake hands
"So which one of you are from Kansas?" Tim asks
"All of us" Sam and Jake reply for us
"No way, is that how you all know each other then from school?"
"We were neighbours and then we met at band camp. So us 3 became friend then we met him through vine"
"So I'm guessing its childhood sweet hearts for you guys?"  Tim looks between Colby and I as we are now holding hands
"Not really" Colby replies for the both of us
"Ok so what did you learn about Theorosa's bridge in your quick cramming session?"
"So the main one we saw was that Theorosa was a Native American and she had a baby outside of marriage to a white man and I guess she threw it over the bridge out of shame" Jake says
"Right, so there are many variations of this. So this is your typical cry baby bridge, there are cry baby bridges all over the place and each one has its own law. This one actually has a little bit of fact. Back in the early 1800's there was an Indian nation in this area and there was a settler and he lived just up this road" Tim points up the road "so he actually had a daughter named Theorosa. Then it gets a little muddy. Loads of people did research on it but theres only so much that can be done. Anyway obviously the child got lost and now she's out here looking for her child"
"I guess its a little like Chines whispers where a story gets spoken about but it gets all muddled up and then becomes the story we know today, or should I say stories because like you said there are many different versions of who she was" I say
"Exactly. So the different activity people would claim to see is the bridge would glow purple when it was wooden. Supposedly if you park your car and call out to her then put it in neutral then your car will move, but the biggest thing that people see is apparitions around here"
"So kinda like on ghost adventures. I think they had an episode called cry baby bridge and they covered their car in flour to see if they would get hand prints on the car" I say thinking back to that episode. Timothy starts to talk about how he is a demonologist and what that entails. He then explains that we may have traits of being mediums and how his daughter is a medium. Tim talks about a couple cases that he's been on and finally its time to start our investigation.

Tim takes out a piece of equipment called an ovilus 3 which the spirts somehow use to talk to us. The ovilus will say the words that the spirit is trying to say. Every time Colby holds the device its cold but the moment someone else holds its either hot or normal
"Thats super weird" I say frowning
"Maybe its your Abuela, she's still trying to date Colby in the afterlife" Jake jokes making us all laugh
"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised" I shake my head smiling
"Shhh wait do you hear that?" Colby says with a straight face
"Hear what?" Sam asks turning the camera on and pointing it to Colby"
"Sounds like there's a door right behind us creaking" Colby points behind us into the water
"Sounds like theres something in the bush" Tim says confirming he heard the sound as well
"I didn't hear anything" I shrug
"Why does this always happen? Like we all hear something but Talia's like 'I didn't hear anything' but that was loud enough to be on camera" Colby does his best impression of me
"Ok 1 I do not sound like that and 2 I don't know maybe it just likes talking to you guys, or it's scared of me because I have the stupid shadowman following me" I cross my arms and we hear a noise that sounds like a rock dropping
"I wanna hear that door again" almost as if on cue we hear the creaking sound
"Ok I heard it that time"
"We have to check it out" Jake says excitedly.

We go quiet for a little while just to see if we can hear anything else, Colby then gives permission for the spirits to contact us if they wish to. We end up hearing really faint voices
"Did you hear that?" Jake asks
"The voices?"
"No after that it was like a dog whimpering"
"Or a baby crying" Colby says raising his eyebrows slightly
"Mi amore why would you say that" I slap Colby gently
"I want to try something" Tim says taking out the ovilus "so its green which is neutral and I'm going to pass it to you" he says handing it to Colby and immediately the lights turn blue meaning that its cold
"What the... why is it only me?"
"Maybe whatever is attached to Tallia is now attached to you" Jake says
"Don't blame me. I was fine until you dragged me along to the Biltmore" I laugh. Sam takes the device and the word 'run' comes through "well that's not worrying at all" I say nervously smiling
"Can I ask, could Talia's Mamá and Abuela interfere with all of this?" Sam asks Tim
"If they are attached to Talia then yes they possibly could. They could also stop whatever your trying to communicate from talking to you, they could be protecting you from further attachments and from talking to something evil"
"Well that makes me feel slightly better" Sam chuckles.

We decide to go down below the bridge and see if we can find out what the creaking sound is. We have to walk through some grass and bushes
"I forgot Kansas has poison ivy" Jake says reminding the rest of us
"Oh yeah. I'm more concerned about these nats trying to bite me" I say putting my hood up on my hoodie
"See Talia has the right idea about putting a hoodie on" Sam says pointing the camera at me. Once we get under the bridge Sam calls out to Theorosa
"We're not asking we're demanding you show us your here" Colby says with the camera in his hands. We then hear that door creaking noise
"Oh my god you guys hear that?" Jake asks looking off into the bushes
"Yeah I did"
"Sam you didn't hear the door creaking?" Colby stays silent
"Dude I honestly thought that if we can, we need to get closer to see what that sound is" Jake says looking back at Sam. We hear the door creak again and Colby gasps and Jake decides to make everything scarier by saying "what if it's not a door sound? What if it's a baby squealing?" My eyes immediately start tearing up
"Ohhh it does sound high pitched" Colby says pointing the camera to me and Sam who look horrified "Theorosa if your here right now give us a sign" Colby yells out "we're not here to play around" nothing happens
"Last time. Theorosa, I have your baby" Jake calls out and we here the door the creak one last time and head back up to the top of the bridge.

We meet Tim at the top who is holding out equipment
"So while you guys were down there this thing went crazy. So who's Paul?" Tim asks
"Paul? Jake Paul?" Colby ask straight faced making me smile "Theorosa was a Jake Pauler"
"A Jake Pauler?" Tim asks confused
"Have you ever heard of a Jake Pauler?" Colby asks and Tim shakes his head "they are a scary bunch of demons that haunt like the LA area"
"Oh ok" Tim responds and I shake my head smiling. We decide to call it a night and say goodbye to Tim who hands us something and we head back to Jakes place.

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