'So When Are You Due?'

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The Return Of The Shadowman part 3/5

After a broken sleep at the hotel and a pit stop at a witches shop to get crystals and shit we then make our way to another psychics house, who basically repeats things we have already been told, but gives us more reassurance that we aren't going to get hurt. We then go to  Corey's old dance studio, Corey tells a story about how there is apparently a demon under the steps. Finally we go to Corey's home, which is completely decked out in Christmas decorations
"I love how Talia has gone straight to the dogs" Jake laughs
"I want one, amor please can we have a puppy?"
"Well it's not really just up to me now is it?"
"So that's a yes from you"
"I didn't say that"
"Ughhh" I groan standing up with one of the dogs in my arms. Corey gives us a little tour about the house with the K2 which goes off every now and then at one point the K2 goes to orange but just stays there as we are walking down to the basement.

Before we start any ghost hunting we meet Corey's family and hang out with them for a bit. I sit next to Colby drinking orange juice and chewing gum, weird I know but I can't stop doing it
"How far can you go in a straddle" Corey's brother asks
"This" Corey laughs as he's sitting down on the floor. Corey then teaches his brother and sister to do some kind of dancing trick. The boys then 'interview' each member of the family while I chat with Corey's mom and older sister after they have spoken with the boys
"So when are you due?" she asks which confuses me
"Excuse me?" I frown at her then look down at my stomach to see if I look bloated today or something
"The baby when is it due?"
"I have no idea what your talking about" I look back up at her
"You don't know do you?" she says
"Know what? I'm not pregnant and anyway how would you know that?"
"A woman knows these things, especially a mother, plus you've been chewing gum and drinking orange juice which was one of my cravings when I was in my first trimester with Corey"
"I'm not..." I trail off thinking about what the psychic said and how I've had this feeling of needing to stop ghost hunting even though I actually really love it "but I can't" I look back up at Corey's mom with a tear in my eye. Am I really pregnant? No I can't be, can I?
"You wanna make sure?" Courtney, Corey's older sister asks
"I, I don't know"
"Come on" Courtney stands up motioning me to follow her
"Hey baby were you off to?" I hear Colby say walking back in the room with Corey's dad Alan
"Toilet, I'm just going to show her where it is" Colby nods his head and sits back down.

5 minuets later I'm looking at a positive pregnancy test with Courtney in the bathroom, I don't know how to feel, sad, worried, but also kinda happy and excited. Crap how do I tell Colby? I cant tell him now, but I shouldn't keep it from him, what the fuck do I do?
"You ok?"  she asks, I hear footsteps and hide the test behind my back but sigh when I see it's just Corey's mom
"The boys are wondering where you are"
"Just tell them I wasn't feeling to good"
"Ok, everything will be ok" Corey's mom smiles at me then walks off
"Come on" Courtney says and I put the test in the bin and make my way downstairs
"What's wrong baby"
"Nothing, I'm ok."
"You sure because you've really not been acting like yourself the last couple days" Colby hugs me and I hug him back trying to fight the tears that are about to pour out of my eyes. What the fuck do I do?

Later that night Corey's younger sister Cenzey reads our tarrot cards
"Will we be safe when playing the ouija board tonight" Corey asks and Cenzey shuffles the cards and like 7 of them fall out of the deck, she says that it's pretty positive what she's seeing, which is very good. She basically says that we need to use our intuition on what's going on, we will be safe if we put out that energy. Corey then asks "will I find out tonight why this thing has been haunting me?" Cenzey pulls out some cards
"Ok so this one is all about home" she says holding a card
"Woah, I just asked that and its saying home"
"This one is do what your gut says" Cenzey points to one of the cards
"Can I ask something?" I say
"Sure" Corey says
"Is me leaving the ghost hunting a good idea?" I ask and some cards fall out of Cenzey's hand
"Ok so this one means your life is about to be changed in big ways rather than small ones, go with it and see what happens. This one means health for everyone if you stay safe, so trust your instincts and your gut" we then all hear a bang from downstairs
"I think this is more clear then ever that we have to talk to whatever is here tonight" Sam says
"I don't want to do the ouija board" I sigh
"What?" Sam says
"I can't, I need to trust my instincts and something is tell me not to I just cant guys, I'll watch but I'm just not touching it"
"Ok well should we go down and get it?" Corey says
"I'm down" Colby shrugs
"Same, Jake are you?"
"Yeah" he replies to Sam
"Well then lets go and get it"

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