'They Cheated'

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This chapter is kinda a bit of a filler chapter but I've given you 3 chapters in 1 day

"Ok so that's my apartment sorted" Colby says shutting the door behind him as me and Sam and Jake are holding boxes. Kat walks out of Sams apartment holding a box, Devyn and Xepher coming out of mine with a box each. I'm honestly so thankful that all our friends have come to help us move the boxes
"Talia there's a couple more boxes in your apartment but I wasn't sure if you wanted to take them in your car because they are your mamá and abuelas things"
"Thanks Devyn. I'll come back up in a bit and take them" we walk to the elevator and a few at a time we make our way down to the van outside. Finally everything is packed up and we make our way to the new TRAP house.

After getting settled in the boys want to take photos of them butt naked at the pool, for some odd reason I agree to being the photographer
"Ok imma close my eyes now" I say shutting my eyes so the boys can all put on some clothes, swimming trunks to be exact
"Ok baby you can look" I open one eye first, scared to what I might see but everyone is decent "go and get on your bikini so we can film" Colby walks up to me and kisses me on the lips
"Ok I'll be like 10 minuets"

I walk out the back door after putting on my bikini seeing that Reggie has now arrived and is holding a camera while the boys are in the pool and the girls are sunbathing
"What's up losers it's Colby Brock welcome back to my channel. Today we moved into our new house but before we give you a tour we are going to be holding the first pool Olympics at this house" the boys then start to mess around making me laugh "ok let's see who's the best in the pool olympics. Round one right now. Best dive let's go"
"This one is inspired by the spongebob and Patrick dive" Jake jumps in
"This one is called the probably going to belly flop" Sam attempt a spin the boys all clap
"Ok I'm gonna attempt a back flip and hope I don't flash anyone" I say laughing. I back flip into the pool and the boys start clapping
"That was sick" Corey says. Then Colby just runs into the pool and then Corey just flops in
"Well I have to say the winer is Talia" Reggie says from behind the camera. I take a bow.

"Ok so the next round is gonna be under water handstands" Colby says to the camera
"Damn it I really am gonna flash someone. This bikini isn't really made for this type of thing"
"So why did you wear it then?" Sam laughs
"Because I don't know where my other ones are"
"Ok let's just make a deal that you all close your eyes underwater and I'll keep mine open just to make sure when she comes back up no one can see anything"
"You just want to look at Talia dont you?" Reggie says laughing
"Nooooo why would you think that" Colby frowns and I roll my eyes. Reggie counts us down and we all go under to do our handstands I end up coming up for air first then Sam quickly followed by Corey and Colby
"So who did the longest handstand?"
"It was Jake" Jake claps and cheers for himself
"Ok next round we're gonna do is trending water competition"
"Oh god I'm gonna suck at this"
"So you can do a back flip but not treading water?" Corey chuckles
"Errr shush you. I'm not a good swimmer" I giggle
"Ok Reggie start the clock in 3, 2, 1" we all start to tread water
"Ughh I hate this my legs are already sore" I whine
"What from Talia hum? Wanna elaborated a little more" Jake says making me turn red
"From the gym duh"
"You've not been to the gym so come on spill what were you doing last night?" I look at Colby who's trying not to laugh
"I did a work out using YouTube?" I say in more a question
"Hmmm I think Colby helped you with the workout"
"Guyyys stop" I laugh. I then give up and go over to the edge of the pool and sit down. Jake and Colby are the next to stop. Reggie declares Sam as the winner

"Now we're gonna play a nice little game of water pong. Talia is going to be referee. I'm on a team with Corey while Sam and jake are on a team" I watch the game, Sam and Jake win
"They cheated" Colby points to Sam and Jake
"No they didn't. And anyway how do you cheat in water pong?" I laugh as Colby sulks "aww amor are you sad" Colby throws a cup of water at me "well for that you won't get to cuddle me tonight"
"Nooooo I'm sorry" Colby hugs me and kisses my face "now the next one I know I can win. We're holding our breath underwater are you ready" we all go under the water. When I get up jake and Corey have already come up for air
"Jeez are they even breathing" I chuckle. Colby then comes up and Sam follows not long after. We do a couple more games and now it's finally the awards
"In joint 4th place with 1 win is ... Colby and Taila. In 3rd place with 3 wins is Corey Scherer. In 2nd place we have Jake Webber. And the person with the most amount of wins in the TRAP House is.... Sam Goldencock I mean Sam Golbach" we wrap up the video and continue to hang out in the pool.

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