'Babe Are You Ok?'

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Part 4/4 of The Millennium Biltmore Hotel

I'm woken up again but this time from the boys yelling and freaking out
"What's going on?" I yawn
"Something is down stairs" Sam says freaked out holding the camera
"While you were asleep we heard something downstairs" Colby says taking my hand as I stand up from the couch
"It was the elevator" Sam says pointing the camera at Jake and Corey who look confused and terrified at the same time "there's literally something here"
"What? I don't understand" Jake says
"Yeah me either I'm really confused right now"
"It sounded like the metal gate at the elevator" Sam says scared
"So you didn't hear the thud?" Colby questing Sam
"What thud? No it was the metal gate"
"Let's go check" Jake starts walking towards the stairs and the rest of us follow him, Colby ending up taking the lead
"I don't want to be last" Corey says walking in front of Sam and I. I follow the boys down the stairs with Sam being behind me. I hear a gasp
"The doors open" Corey freaks
"Was that like that before?" Colby points
"No Jake shut it remember" I say "are you sure it was that though?"
"Yes it sounded it like this" Sam demonstrates and Colby gasps
"That was it"
"Holy shit" Sam breaths out
"Let's just check that no ones fucking with us" I say looking in the different rooms. Everyone else splits up and looks but of course, no one is around. Corey walks off somewhere while Sam Colby and Jake are talking about what happened.

I turn around and see the shadow again, I start to back up and bump into someone
"Woah what's wrong?" It's Jake
"I'm sorry. It's just there was..." I carry on looking where the figure was which has now disappeared "Corey?" I call out
"Yeah?" He walks back into the room in the opposite direction to where the figure was
"Was that you?"
"Was what me?"
"That... that I don't know person"
"What person?"
"Babe are you ok?" Colby walks up to me and places a hand on my head "your sweating but at the same time freezing are you sure your not coming down with something?"
"No, I don't know but..." I'm cut off by a sound form upstairs
"Woah woah woah woah" Sam jumps
"What was that?" I say grabbing hold of Colby
"Shhhh" Corey puts a finger to his lips and we hear it again
"Piano piano go go go" Sam starts to walk towards the stairs. I stop when I realise what song it is
"Oh my god" I breath out
"What?" Colby asks
"Just listen" we listen and I watch as they all begin to realise that it was the song I was playing earlier
"Could it be a recorded?"
"I don't know" we rush up the stairs to check the piano. I check it over "no there's no recording device it's just your typical grand piano"
"Hello?" Sam calls out
"Yo is someone pranking us right now?" Colby asks. I've never see these boys as scared as they are right now
"Someone's in here" Jake says
"No we..."
"Someone's fucking in here" Jake cuts Sam off
"What like a maid or someone?" I ask
"Na that would be illegal. Someone screwing with us? I'm pretty sure they can't"
"I don't feel good" Jake says and he looks super pale
"Yeah you look like your about to blow chunks" I say
"Maybe we should take this time to be quiet" Jake walks off as Colbys talking
"Jake do you want me to come with you to the bathroom?" I ask
"No because you'll probably throw up"
"No I'll be fine but if you need to go to the bathroom I don't really want you going alone"
"No I'm fine" I smile at him and take Colbys hand. Sam walks over to check his phone
"Dude" he yells "how long has this been going on for?"
"Dunno 5 minutes?" I shrug
"My camera says 5 minutes and my phone says it's 3:05 right now"
"What" Corey's eyes widen and Colby puts his other hand over his mouth "so we would have heard the noise right at 3" as we're talking the TV turns on on it's own
"Ok what the fuck" I say now really freaked out
"The remotes over there" Corey says
"It it on a timer?" Sam asks
"I say let's do the seance" I say staring at nothing almost like I'm in a trance
"What? Talia are you sure?"
"Huh?" I snap out of whatever that was to look at Sam
"That was freaky"
"I think she's right though. It's 3:05 it's the best time to get any evidence" Jake says
"Ok then as long as your sure" I nod and give Colby a week smile.

We sit around the table with the camera propped up on to a makeshift tripod I sit in between Sam and Colby, Jake lights the candles and Sam starts talking about the seance but Jake and I end up in a trance looking at the fire from the lighter. I'm snapped out of it when Colby snatches it off Jake and throws it away and the boys talk about how they did the seance at Queen Mary
"Did you guys by any chance hear a girls voice?" Jake asks I shake my head
"Like it went hmmm" Corey points to Jake
"Why didn't you say anything?" Sam asks
"Guys I feel like I'm being watched right now" I shiver
"You've felt like that for a week now"
"It's this place. It has to be" I say in almost a whisper
"Ok let's just start. Hold hands" Colby says taking mine and Jakes hand in his. I hold on to Colby and Sams hand while Sam holds Corey's and Corey holds Jakes. We say something about using our energy to communicate and we wait for any noises
"Yo the chandelier is shaking" Corey points up. We all look up and see it moving
"I got goosebumps right now" Colby let's go of my hand and rubs his arm. Corey starts to freak out wanting to stop. Sam moves the camera so the chandelier is in view
"I want to ask something" I say
"You sure?" Colby looks nervous but I just nod my head
"If you are the one who has been in my apartment making me think I'm going crazy please give us a sign" we wait for a little bit then the candles blow as if someone was blowing them out
"Woah" Sam yells and we all stand up. I watch the camera then fall as if it had been pushed
"What the fuck?" I yell grabbing Colby shivering
"Dude let's go" Corey yells
"No we have to stay, we have to stay"
"Sam what if we don't want to fucking stay?" Corey says
"Sam why do you want to stay?" I ask
"Because we're finally getting something and now your all freaking out"
"Because whatever is here followed Talia back to her apartment. You said it yourself your worried about her that she's not acting like herself" Colby says. I start to feel light headed
"Guys" Corey says trying to get Sam and Colby attention as Jake has a hold of me
"Seriously Sam I want to go and take Talia back home. Honestly I want to take her to a damn priest right now"
"But this is what we came for"
"Guys" Corey yells again
"What?" They both snap their heads towards me, Jake and Corey
"Talia what's wrong?"
"I don't feel good" I put my free hand that isn't holding on to Jake for support to my head
"Ok that's it let's go now" Colby walks off to grab the camera
"No Sams right we came here for this. To make me believe"
"Babe you look like your about to pass out, be sick or both"
"I just need a drink and to sit down I'm fine" Colby pulls me over to the couch and Jake hands me a bottle of water
"Let's just watch TV. Talia you can sleep and then we can go home. We have only an hour till sunrise now" Jake says and I nod my head cuddling up to Colby, but instead of going back to sleep I just watch TV with the boys until we're ready to go. We leave the hotel and get into Colbys car. I get in the back with Corey and Jake with Colby driving us back home.

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