'I'd Be More Worried If You Weren't Crying'

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"We'll see you at Christmas Natalia and Colby" Mamá says as I put my bag into Colby's car
"Bye Mamá, bye Abuela" I hug them both
"Now Colby make sure you drive safely back to LA. Say hello to the other boys for us won't you?"
"Of course Maria. Well see you in a couple of months. We've got the spare room tidy now and Talia is making sure the others don't just dump things into the room" they chuckle and Colby hugs them both and walks over to the drivers side of the car "Bye Maria, bye Abuela" the scene suddenly changes to me sat on the couch crying and starring at my phone
"Hey baby... what's wrong?" Colby rushes over to me with the rest of the boys plus Devyn and Kat
"Errrm. It's Mamá and Abuela. On the way here they got into a car accident.... they didn't make it"

I wake up feeling damp on my pillow, I go to rub my face to then feel that it's also wet, I've been crying in my sleep. I notice my phone is on and playing a song through the headphones I had left in the headphone jack 'A La Nanita Nana' is playing. I stare at my phone in shock, what a weird coincidence that that's the lullaby that my Mamá would sing, I fell asleep thinking of the song and had a dream about my Mamá and Abuela, now this is playing. Well ok I can maybe explain the dream away by thinking of that song before I went to sleep, but why would it be playing on my phone randomly? Weird. I decided to listen to the lullaby play while I lay in bed, I know that the tears are flowing but I don't realise I've woken up Colby until he takes out one of my headphones
"What's that matter? Why are you listing to music at..." he checks his phone "3:36 in the morning?"
"Sorry just had a bad dream about the last time we saw them and I got the phone call. My phone was playing the lullaby Mamá would sing. I don't know why it was I haven't heard that song in years but I fell asleep thinking about it and now it's playing on my phone"
"A La Nanita Nana?" Colby questions. Mamá would sing the song to him and Gage as well when she babysat them. I nod my head and Colby pulls me closer to him so I'm now laying on his chest while he plays with my hair. He begins to hum the lullaby as he's never really learnt the words.

Within seconds everything's bright, I must have fallen asleep. Normally I'm up before Colby but for once he's already up, I look at the time on my phone and see it says 12:22, wow I'm awake late today. I quickly get dressed, just in leggings and a hoodie, then run down the stairs
"Well good morning sleeping beauty" Colby chuckles
"Oh shut it" I walk over to the boys who are all playing a game, I plop down next to Colby and Kat
"Your usually the first up" Kat says laughing
"Bad dream last night" I smile at her and she smiles back understanding
"Wanna talk about it?" She asks, I shake my head
"No I'm ok now. Just feel a little sensitive today"
"Well you know my number and I'm here all day if you wanna chat"
"Thanks Kat" I hug her then reply to some emails on my phone, just brand deals for Instagram nothing too exciting
"Talia we really need to start packing" Colby sighs putting down his controller
"Yeah I know, it's gonna be so weird not actually living with you guys. Like I know we are literally next to each other but it will be weird sleeping alone for the first time in like 2 years"
"Your ghost friends will be able to keep you company" Jake says earning an eye roll off me. Colby and I get up and head up to our room. We start to pack up some clothes knowing we won't wear them now for a while. We literally have packed nothing and we move in a weeks time, Colby puts on a playlist mixed with his favourite songs and mine and we get to work.

After a few hours nearly all our clothes are packed, our room is nearly sorted. I just need to tackle the room I've not stepped foot in in over a year. I take a deep breath and open the door, nothings been touched since the accident, I made sure no one dumped props in here
"You want some help?" I hear Kat's voice
"Err yeah if you don't mind" I turn around expecting to see just Kat, maybe Colby but instead I see all other roommates looking at me with sympathy "don't look at me like that. Just start putting things in boxes" I walk over to the bed and sit down, on the bedside table is a photo of me, Colby, Sam, Mamá and Abuela smiling. I pick it up and look at it, I notice the tears dripping onto the picture
"Hey we don't have to do this today" Colby kneels in front of me
"Yes we do or else I won't ever do it. God why am I so emotional today"
"Talia you dealing with some emotional stuff I'd be more worried if you weren't crying. I've known you for a while now" Sam says putting his hand on my shoulder
"Thanks guys"
"Always. Now let's put on a Disney playlist and pack this room up" I take another deep breath and Jake puts on a Cheetah Girl playlist and make me laugh by singing 'Cheetah Sisters'.

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