'Dude I Have Horrible Back Pain'

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The Graveyard part 3/4

Sam and Colby set up the ghost hunting equipment ready for our investigation. Colby hands me the K2 meter and he hold up the green grid
"Ok Talia turn off the light and we will get started" Sam says holding the camera. I bend down to turn off the light from the lantern that I put on the floor. Just as I turn it off the K2 goes to red
"What the fuck, it just went to red"
"What? No it didn't" Corey shakes his head
"I swear it I did"
"Could it be from the lantern?" Sam asks so I pick up the lantern and turn it back on. I bring the K2 to the lantern and it doesn't spike
"It's not doing it now look"
"Oh my god" Sam breaths out
"Thats crazy bro"
"Didn't we have this conversation about calling me bro?" I ask Corey
"No I think it was dude" Jake confirms for me. Thanks Jake, note the sarcasm. Once the green grid is set up Sam demonstrates how it will pick up movement as the lights will flicker when there is something passing by. We wait for only a few minutes when we notice that some of the lights are flickering
"Oh, oh my god, oh my god its flickering at the front right. Over by the chairs" Corey says
"I dont see anything" I squint trying to look, but I don't have my glasses on or my contacts in so I'm basically blind right now as everything is blurry
"It's stopped now. Did anyone else see that?"
"Yeah I did" Colby relies
"Oh wait it's" Corey starts but then we realise its just Jake messing around
"Seriously? Jake why would you do that" I lightly slap him
"Wait were you ever sitting on the left side?" Corey asks
"I thought I saw Jake sitting on the left side and that's why I was freaking out about the lights on the right side"
"Really?" Jakes eyebrow move upwards
"I swear. I thought I saw someone at the very front sitting. I really hope the camera got that"
"I thought so too" Sam confirms what Corey saw
"Well I didn't see anything"
"That because you haven't got your glasses on. Where are they?" Colby asks
"I don't know. In one of the bags"
"Well lets find them they we can carry on investigating brotha" Jake yells.

After finding my glasses and putting them on we walk around the church with the K2
"It just flickered to red" I say as Corey is pointing the camera towards me "If there is any spirit don't be afraid we just want to talk. You can use this device in my hand and make it go to red" it happens again "guys where's Jake?" I ask looking at Sam
"I dunno. Jake" Sam yells
"Jake, no bro somethings going on bro don't try too scare us" Corey now yells out
"Talia literally just asked it to make the K2 go to red and it...." the K2 in my hand then goes red again
"Oh my god it just went red" Corey yells again, cutting Sam off, once again the K2 turns red, but this time it stays on red for longer whereas before it was flickering to red then back to green. Every time its red I get the chills
"Oh my god. Oh my god" both Sam and Corey yell
"Amor you're being really quite"
"Im just... I dunno" Jake suddenly appears from his little holiday away from us "Jake come here" the K2 goes off again
"Ok I dont want to hold it now. Here you go Sam" I hand him the devise and hold on to Colby's arm
"Talia hasn't been moving, she hasn't got her phone out or anything and it keeps going to red" Sam says
"I didn't want to come down here because I was getting bad vibes"
"So it's not just me then?" I ask Jake
"No it's not just you"
"When it went off did you get chills up your arms?" Colby asks
"Yeah it was as if.. you know when someone has left a door or window open and a small gust of wind comes and makes you cold. Well it was like that. Like a small gust of wind went past me"
"Guys can I step outside?" Corey asks
"Yeah" Sam says taking the camera off Corey
"Dude I have horrible back pain"
"Actually yeah I wouldn't mind going outside, I feel super sick right now" I say as Colby rubs his hand up and down my arm. Corey and I go outside while the boys.... I don't actually know what they're doing. While outside Corey and I see a shadow walk past on the house opposite us. Corey runs in to tell the others and while he was gone I see it again. Everyone comes back outside, Sam and Jake explain that it couldn't of been them making the shadow because of how the light is "Corey while you were inside I saw it again but this time it went the opposite way"
"Wait seriously?" I nod responding to Corey who is super freaked out
"I really don't feel well right now" Corey and Jake go to look around
"In what way?" Sam asks
"I feel like I could puke any second, but like that could be from tiredness"
"Bro theres a big ass tooth on this grave" Corey yells and we walk over to him
"Dude that's the second tooth that we've found" Sam shows the tooth to the camera
"Didn't you say that meant something like demonic?" Colby asks Corey
"Yeah I googled it earlier and it said it was a demonic thing in roman times. People would put teeth on graves and they would do spells and stuff" I sigh learning this information

"Can I just say I don't think were as safe as we thought we would be coming to a church, well I never thought we would be safe. And we're also in an abandoned Roman city, town thing like it's all connected"
"Oh that's true" Sam gasps pointing at me
"Dude tooth" Jake yells pointing at another grave. I decide to walk way from the graves for a second to try and stop myself from throwing up while the boys are all looking at the tooth. Colby comes up to me a few minuets later
"Why is it everywhere we go I feel sick or something happens to me?"
"Maybe your more sensitive to all of this"
"More than Corey?" I raise an eyebrow. I then feel the bile rising and I throw up on the floor as Colby moves my hair back so I don't get throw up in it
"Do you feel better now?"
"Sam" Colby yells
"Can You pass me a bottle of water?"
"Yeah Ill run in now" Sam runs off to get a bottle of water. I watch as Corey and Jake walk off
"Corey doesn't look good"
"What do you mean?"
"He looks like how you looked before you were sick" Sam comes back with a bottle in his hand
"Whats wrong with Corey?" Sam asks
"Bro I feel like Im about to throw up" Corey says
"What is going on? First Talia now Corey?" Sam asks confused
"Can you guys walk away Im literally about to throw up" Corey says. I get up and follow Colby and Sam to Corey can have a bit of privacy.

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