Chapter 20

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Waking up the next day, I turned off my alarm clock and pulled myself out of bed and in my weekday routine I went to grab my School Uniform. But stopped when I remembered, due to the attack yesterday, we were given a day off. Which means I have a free day.

And with a sigh, I put on something comfortable. Pulling on a shirt, a pair of jeans with a pair of fluffy socks and a black hoodie. I caught a glance at myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess and I clearly looked like a mess.

I grabbed my hairbrush and pulled it through my hair, I missed getting told to get out of bed to go training with Aizawa, we would spar and then work on what I needed to improve for hours. It felt like such a short time in the manga, but not so much when you're living it.

Huffing out a breath I decided that I would just practice alone, the Present Mic and Midnight will know that if I'm not in here than I'm probably in Gym Gamma or at the park or going on a run/jog.

Getting into my Gym uniform and putting what I had previously had on by my bed, I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and clipped back the loose hairs that stuck out. Grabbing my bag I had made yesterday, I put it over my shoulder and left the apartment, locking the door behind me.


Getting to Gym Gamma, I put down the bag and thought about what I wanted to practice. I definitely need to practice with Hawks' quirk and come up with creative ways of using quirks in tandem and as a combo move.

But there are quirks I shouldn't use together, if I use Cremation, Hellfire or Half cold half hot while using fierce wings then I might end up burning my own feathers to a crisp without realising. Or if I used them together, it could give the feathers a resistance to flames due to how bow Endeavour and Todoroki are generally immune to their own flames.

" I guess that's something I'll need to try, better to know than to try later on and fail horribly... " I muttered under my breath, making a few rounds of targets I planned on being in here for a majority of the day.

Because I have to be productive somehow, and so I will get ahold of any quirks that are awkward to use and even try some other quirks. " Maybe I could try to imitate Ida's engines, or some of Tsuyu's frog-like abilities... " I thought aloud.

I mean, it's not weird if you're alone. Growing the wings needed to use Fierce Wings, I notice that it wasn't as bad this time, no longer did it feel like I was getting stabbed in the back but more like some serious pins and needles instead.

Sitting down cross-legged I took a long breath in and thought about the feathers that I wanted to move and how I wanted them to move, I now understood how intricate this quirk is due to how Hawks was trained as a child and ended up having his level of control over his feathers.

Hell, he can use them to pick up what a person is saying through the vibrations in the air! I am definitely not going to be able to use them feathers like he does by the War Arc, so the most I can do to try is to practice with them as much as I can.

But I need to remember that I can't just use one quirk again and again, I'll end up becoming predictable and that is not what I want to happen when I'm in a fight, I always need quirks I can substitute with when in a fight.

Keeping my eyes on the feathers as they twisted around the targets and moved gently with fluid motions, and with a quick narrowing of my eyes, I had all of the feathers stiffen and shoot into the nearest target and hit them dead in the centre with a light whistle in the air.

I continued this exercise for a few hours, upping the difficulty when it felt like it was starting to become comfortable for me to do. So I added more feathers, quickened their movements around the targets and aimed to make them faster and faster with each repeat.

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