Chapter 10

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Walking back to U.A. I looked down at the new contact on my phone that I put as 'Explosive Pomeranian' and set the picture as a picture of Bakugo that he let me take in order to have it as his picture in my contacts.

Oh, when he finds out what I've set his name as, I am so dead. Bakugo made a comment though about how my eyes were red, which I then explained that it was from using Erasure and I didn't have any eyedrops on me to soothe the dry eye brought on by the use of Erasure.


Getting back to the apartment I was greeted by Aizawa. " Where were you? " Was all he asked.

" I went on a jog to clear my head, " I spoke, he'll surely go Dadzawa mode if I told him that I had ran into Bakugo and we had a small sparring match.

But Aizawa's eyes narrowed slightly as his hands were still folded across his chest. " You're eyes are red, you've been using my quirk. What happened?! " Aizawa demanded, to say I was slightly scared would be an understatement. Because he will not be happy when I tell him the truth.

Taking in a breath, " I ran into Bakugo, we ended up going to an empty warehouse and had a small sparring match. In which I had used Erasure during it, and I didn't have my eyedrops because I didn't expect to run into Bakugo and then have a spar with him. " I explained.

" Did you get injured? I don't want to send you to Recovery Girl tomorrow just because you failed to mention some kind of injury he gave you. " Aizawa grumbled as he let out a sigh while running one of his hands through his black, scruffy hair.

" No I didn't, and with that, I might ask Recovery Girl about her quirk; her quirk would be extremely useful for if I ever needed to heal any serious wounds on an ally or a civilian. Especially if a villain had a blood related quirk, that and it would especially be useful considering that Midoriya has shown to be prone to breaking his bones so having a healer around would prove to be beneficial until he can control his quirk enough that he stops breaking his fingers and arms. " I answered, but then began to mutter. Damn my inconvenient ability to pick up habits from characters!

Realising what I was doing, I stopped before I could continue to mutter. " I'm gonna make us something to eat, and please tell me the next time you decide to leave. I don't want to end up searching the city in a panic because you neglected to tell me where you were. " Aizawa spoke.

Nodding, I went to my room in a speed walk, I had my eyedrops in there. And my eyes were practically begging for the sweet soothing feeling of hydrated eyes.

Bursting into my room, I immediately went for where I kept the eyedrops.

Though I did catch a glance at my reflection as I passed by my mirror. My hair, a complete mess. My eyes, red and slightly bloodshot with the beginnings of bags beneath them. Not to mention the fact that I was sweaty and needed a shower.

Grabbing my eyedrops from inside my school blazer I opened up the bottle and tilted my head back while I let the nice, cool drops land on my eyes. Blinking a few times to make sure my eyes were hydrated and no longer felt like I had just stared at the sun.


After a nice, warm shower. I had dinner with Aizawa and then went into my bedroom to go over my notebooks and the first four volumes of the manga, it would be a couple days after today, not tomorrow. So that gives me enough time to learn a few more quirks.

Maybe I should 'accidentally' bump into the big three, or decide to sit with Shinso at lunch and try to become his friend. Though, if I learn't Permeation I'd need my costume to be adjusted in order to be like Mirio's costume in order to use it without ending up naked.

Though, if I can't get my costume adjusted by the time the U.S.J. Incident occurs, I could just activate Hagakure's quirk and become completely invisible while using Permeation. That would be a good quirk combo! Permeation and Invisibility, that would be quite the powerful combo if I could get even close to Mirio's level of control over Permeation!

Welp, that concludes it. I need to meet the big three and have Mirio tell me about his quirk in order for me to be able to use it without being suspicious.

Oh, the support company that made my costume is going to be crying with how many modifications and adjustments I'm gonna make to my costume over the course of a year. I'm glad I thought ahead and got fingerless gloves due to the activation conditions of both Uraraka's and Shigaraki's quirk would be inconvenient.

That, and I thought they would look cool, so not only are they aesthetic but they're also functional. But I think I might need to add some goggles or a blacked out visor to my costume due to a few quirks that I hope to use in the future.

Especially considering that I wanna make sure my opponents dont know who's quirk I have Erased, and I wanna use Fierce Wings, if I could, since that is a Mutation type quirk. But so is Hagakure's, and I can use that, so maybe it just depends on the quirk if I can use it or not?

Thinking, I went onto the internet and decided to look up Hawks and see if the internet has enough details on his quirk that I could use it without being sus. Because being able to fly with wings would be very fun, and those feathers in particular are very useful too.

And I was quite happy at the result of my search on the internet, there was enough information for me to imitate Hawks' quirk! I wonder what would happen if I tried to imitate it?

So sitting with my notebook in hand, I thought about using it.

What I didn't expect was for my back feel like I was being stabbed by a dozen pins and needles, " Ah! " I yelped as I then felt a weight on my back, turning my head as far as I could to look at my back. My eyes went wide at the pair of vermillion coloured wings that were on my back.

" I can imitate Mutation type quirks! " I exclaimed with glee as I got to my feet and looked at the red feathered wings on my back with awe and wide eyes. Though, I wasn't exactly surprised when the door opened and Aizawa stood in the doorway.

I glanced over at Aizawa, who had his tired expression, which was mixed with slight irritation and confusion. " I could hear you from across the hall, and I see you've learnt another quirk, you mentioned it being a Mutation type quirk? " Aizawa spoke.

" Yeah, at first I assumed that I couldn't imitate Mutation type quirks, so I decided to test out that theory and it seems that I actually can! " I explained.

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