Chapter 7

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Looking at my score on the test, I smiled to myself as I saw myself on #1 again. " Who the hell is this Kathryn Walker! They keep getting a higher score than me!! " Shouted Bakugo as he looked around the class and at the different people in the class.

" That would be me, " I answered as I raised my hand as I made my expression calm again but with a small smile on my face.

Midoriya looked worried for me as Bakugo began to stomp over to me with a seriously pissed off look on his face.

" You did that with my quirk! You're just a stupid Copycat! " Bakugo shouted in my face as he prodded his finger into my chest with a bit of force as he made some explosions in his other palm. Now I was just a bit irritated, was he seriously trying to threaten me?

"I could have used some other quirks I know, I know quite a lot of quirks so don't think I singled yours out. " I retorted as I decided to use Aizawa's quirk on Bakugo, making the explosions in his palm cease as my hair floated up and undid the ponytail I had put my hair up into this morning.

This caused Bakugo's eyes to widen in surprise, but I wasn't done with him yet. " You clearly seem to have both a superiority and inferiority complex, you boast that you're better than Midoriya, yet get mad if someone is better than you. You have a serious anger problem that needs checking out before you become a Hero, because right now you remind me of the #2 Pro Hero Endeavour given that both of your personalities can be explained quite easily as a stinking dumpster fire. Got it? " I spoke.

Even if I was shorter than Bakugo by 5 inches, I just looked up at him with a glare that challenged him to try anything after that. It was silent, deathly silent as I saw Bakugo's expression as he debated over trying to start a fight with me.

Blinking my hair fell down and I just began to walk past Bakugo with a calm expression with a small smile on my face. Though, I rubbed my eyes a bit given that staring that long while using Erasure also made my eyes dry as I blinked a few more times to soothe it.

The day carried on and I hoped that no one in the Class would notice that at the end of the day, I wouldn't have left the School campus itself. Now was lunch time and I got my lunch from Lunch Rush, who I thanked with a smile.

" Hey! Walker! " I looked over to see Uraraka and Ida, Uraraka was waving me over to their table. Going over I sat down with them as I went back to my calm expression.

" That was very brave what you did at the end of the tests. I thought Bakugo was going to attack you or something. " Uraraka spoke.

I just smiled lightly with a sigh, " Me too, I think he realised that fighting with me would be a large gamble. Especially considering that if Mr Aizawa heard it, the both of us would get in trouble. " I explained to Uraraka.

" Mr Aizawa? Walker, I wanted to ask this, but you're not from Japan. Are you? " Ida spoke as he pushed his glasses up.

I nodded as I responded to Ida's question. " I'm from England, I moved to Japan about 10 months ago. ".

This surprised Uraraka and Ida. " Huh! That's very interesting, your Japanese is very impressive for being here for 10 months. " Ida complimented. I just ate my lunch as the rest of lunch went by, Ida stated how he thought my quirk was pretty powerful given that all I need to do is know how a quirk works in order to imitate it.

So when the day ended, I discretely slipped away in order to head back to Aizawa's apartment without any of the other U.A. Students from seeing me and questioning it. Which worked as I eventually got back to Aizawa's apartment and found a serious looking Aizawa staring back at me.

" What happened when I left? I heard the explosions, " Aizawa immediately questioned.

" Bakugo got angry that I beat him again, asked who it was who beat him because I never introduced myself by name and he got mad. Claiming that I got the top of the tests by using his quirk and called my a, and I quote. A "stupid Copycat,". " I explained.

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