Chapter 9

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That night when I had gotten back to Aizawa's apartment I saw that he had been waiting for me, and I could see the look in his eyes. He wanted to talk, and it was definitely a serious matter. My mind raced, was it my choice of Hero costume?

Or... did he find my Manga? He couldn't have, he wouldn't snoop around my room so its definitely the former. " This is about my Hero costume, isn't it? The rest of the class were bound to find out, whether it be one of them asking to study with me or asking where I live in order to hang out. Not to mention that one of them would eventually notice that I don't actually leave the school grounds, then they'd ask about it. I thought about every possibility and I surmised that this secret would last for a month at most. " I explained.

This earned me a small sigh from Aizawa." Good response, but, that still doesn't excuse the fact that you had decided to blatantly reference me in your own Hero Costume. Though, I do have to admit that you did well in your Battle Training exercise with All Might. " Aizawa spoke as I saw the smile grow on his face.

" You were playing the Villain, right? Your tactic of waiting for Todoroki to come to you alone and then ambushing him when he came in, was very well thought out and you used a thoroughly thought out combo of quirks so he couldn't fight back. " Aizawa spoke.

I was just waiting for the things I needed to improve on from my results of the exercise. " The only thing of note is how you treated the Hero Team. You never told me you were any good at acting? " Aizawa spoke.

Gulping, I decided to answer him. " It was one of the subjects my school did, I happen to be good at it, my Theatre Teacher even said that I could lie to her face and she'd never have known because I'm that good. And she is as good at spotting lies as you are, " I spoke.

But quickly regretted my words when I realised the implications of them, that if I wanted to, I could blatantly lie to Aizawa's face and he would have never known otherwise. That's if his mind immediately comes to that conclusion.

Which would mean that I am royally screwed, because I have lied to his face. See how I managed to convince Aizawa to drop the subject of the manga My Hero Academia. " Well, other than that. You did good in that exercise, you planned out a counterattack and exploited their weaknesses. " Aizawa spoke.

Slightly sighing in relief I began to head to my room so I could plan out how I could possibly hinder The League of Villains from getting the info to be able to perform their attack on the USJ in a few days. I had made both a mental and physical map of the school so I had that done.

" Wait a moment kid, " So when Aizawa said that, I stopped and turned to face Aizawa. " You're going to end up needing to make a lot of alterations to your Hero Costume based upon the more quirks you learn. But keep the capture tool, I've seen how you use it in tandem with some of the quirks you use. " Aizawa spoke.

" And even if you decide to go back to your home, you can keep it. As a reminder of your time here. " Aizawa added.

" Okay, that is very out of character... " I quietly mumbled under my breath.

But I gave Aizawa a small smile. " You don't need to worry about that, I thought about it, I have more of a chance of a future here than back at Home. It would just be stupid to give that up. " I replied.

What I didn't expect was for Aizawa to pet me on the head, ruffling my hair slightly as he walked past me to head to what I could assume was his office in order to do teacher things. " That's your choice, but thank you for telling me about it kid. "

I was speechless, this was completely out of character for Aizawa! He's only known me for close to a year now. He only acts like this to those who he is extremely close to, like Yamada and Shirakumo who he had went to U.A. with when he was around my age.

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