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zayn has been longing to hear that word from harry again for a long time now. hearing it now reminds him of how much he's missed it. he didn't expect to hear those words again anytime soon. and he's not quite sure what to react.

"i'm sorry i just-" harry starts to backtrack, feeling worried that he might have just ruined things again.

"do you mean it?" zayn asks.

"yes," harry replies, not denying it. "more than anything."

"say it again," zayn requests. he feels like he's dreaming.

"i love you,"

"harry..." zayn says, seeking him out for a hug. he holds harry close to his heart so he can feel how much his words are affecting him.

"i love you zayn," harry repeats, holding him tighter. zayn doesn't move from his side and they just stay there in silence for a few seconds.

"what have we been doing?" zayn thinks out loud. "we've wasted so much time fighting and breaking up."

"it was all my fault," harry says, thinking back again to the first time he cheated on zayn.

"it wasn't. i know i blamed you for everything, but i had a hand in our relationship falling too," zayn confesses. "i found it easier to blame someone else rather than admit that i had some fault in it too."

"i should've told you this sooner, i'm sorry harry," zayn says. he's finally admitting out loud that all their relationship problems weren't all harry's fault. he got so used to blaming harry for everything that went wrong.

he could always justify being a horrible boyfriend by believing that harry deserved it since he cheated on him. he treated harry like shit all the while blaming him for his own behavior.

"you shouldn't apologize," harry says. "you were always right to blame me,"

"no, i wasn't,"

"it was all my fault zayn. our relationship used to be perfect then i ruined it by cheating on you. if i hadn't we'd still be together," harry says.

"i'm tired of blaming you. harry, we made so many mistakes while we were dating. we rushed into things, i think we should take it slow this time," zayn says.

"this time?" harry repeats, thinking that he heard zayn wrong.

"yes," zayn replies. somehow he understands what went wrong during their relationship, he wouldn't let that happen again. "harry... we're meant to be together, we just did it wrong the first time. we can try again."

"how are you sure it's going to work out this time?"

"i just do," zayn says. he can't explain it, he feels like he's grown and learnt his mistakes from the last time, and his short relationship with caleb too. he also feels that harry has grown too, it's the first time that he's telling zayn about his past.

they have something now that they lacked in the past.




loud music, flashing lights and sweaty bodies. harry let's himself get carried away with the sound of the music. he's laughing, and having fun. he took a pill, he can't remember what it is, it's probably molly or something. he's also slightly drunk.

zayn hasn't replied to his message all day. he was starting to get anxious about it, but he decided to go out and have fun instead. it's the only alternative than to stay in his apartment and make himself miserable by overthinking.

your boyfriends a slut//zarryWhere stories live. Discover now