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zayn immediately brings out his phone and dials his number, but it goes straight to voicemail. he's panicked, he gets up on his feet, ignoring caleb and searches for harry around the restaurant. he looked away for a minute, they couldn't have gone far. he checks everywhere around the restaurant and doesn't find them.

he heads for harry's apartment and gets there in a short while. he knocks on his door but gets no answer. it doesn't seem like harry has been here but he yells his name regardless. he realizes he's wasting his time.

maybe he's just panicking for nothing, there's no way that harry would leave with zeke right? it wasn't part of their plan. he could have just gotten jealous of seeing him with caleb and gone back to zayn's apartment.

zayn decides to check there next. he goes to his apartment, he notices his door has been opened and almost sighs in relief, thinking harry is inside.

"harry!" he calls out his name.

"sorry to disappoint mate but it's just me," justin says, smoking a blunt in zayn's living room. justin has a spare key to his apartment since he spends a lot of time here and he can't keep weed in his dorms.

"fúck," zayn says, exasperated. his heart is beating fast, hoping harry is safe. especially since he knows the history of zeke.

"what's wrong?" justin asks.

"i can't find him," zayn says. "he's with someone that can hurt him and i was supposed to watch over him but i lost him. i'm useless."

"i'm sure he can handle himself," justin says, though he also looks worried.

"i have to find him," zayn covers his face in his hands.

"this will make you feel better," justin tries to hand over a blunt to him but zayn smacks it away.

"i don't want to fúcking get high when i'm already this anxious. know when to fucking stop justin," zayn snaps at his friend. he doesn't mean it but he's just so frustrated about being so hopeless.

"i know how to find him."

"stop trying to waste my time," zayn says.

"i'm not," justin says. "just trust me."

justin brings out his phone and taps on it for a few seconds.

"he's at a motel," justin says, showing zayn a location on google maps.

"how do you know that? why should i believe you?" zayn frowns.

"i just do, okay. do you want to find him or not?"

"have you been tracking harry's location this whole time?" zayn asks. suddenly things start to make sense to him. how justin always knows where harry is, how he just happens to show up whenever zayn is with harry.

"yes," justin admits.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"i just wanted to know so i could give you a heads up incase he's doing something he isn't supposed to," justin says. "and it came in handy, didn't it?"

"that's bullshit. don't act like your obsession with harry has anything to do with you looking out for me. i don't have time for your shit now, but when i'm done finding harry, you have a lot of things to answer for," zayn warns his friend, collecting his phone from him.

"zayn-" justin tries to call after him but zayn doesn't listen.

he heads for the location on justin's phone. following after it religiously. he hopes harry isn't hurt, but he wonders what he's doing there.

he gets to the motel, it's a run down place, he isn't let inside without booking a room so he pays for one. then he follows the directions on the phone and he's led to another room.

he knocks at the door just in case it's not harry on the other side. a voice that's definitely not harry answers.


"room service," zayn says in a collected voice. shitty places like this definitely do not have room service, but he's hoping that the bluff holds.

"did you come with the ice?" the man asks.

"yes," zayn says, playing along.

the door opens, and the same man that was at the restaurant with harry pops out. he

zayn uses the slight opportunity, placing his leg in the entrance and forcing himself inside. the room inside is bigger and nicer than he thought, not that it matters because he's here to drag harry away.

"where is he?" zayn asks the taller man, scanning around the room.

"and who are you?" he responds, looking at zayn from head to toe.

"i'm his fúcking boyfriend," zayn says. he goes to look for harry in the other door, probably the bathroom.

he opens the door and the bathroom is also big. there's a jacuzzi, it looks out of place with the quality of the motel.

harry is inside it, surrounded by ice.

"harry!" he rushes over to his side. there's something wrong.

he's not conscious.

"what did you do to him?" zayn asks, scared out of his mind. he quickly checks for a pulse, relieved to find that he's still alive, but his pulse is very low. "harry, wake up."

zayn tries to wake him up but he doesn't budge. his eyes are closed shut. he tries to open the eyes, and realizes that harry is on drugs.

he's possibly having an overdose.

or he's been drugged.

zayn feels a hot wave of anger flow through him at the man behind him.

"i'll kill you," zayn promises. "i'm going to fúcking murder you you disgusting fuck. how could you do this to him?"

"you can't possible take me on," zeke says. he has size in advantage. "and what i did doesn't matter, i'm trying to help him."

"why didn't you fucking call 911?" zayn says, reaching for justins phone that he's still with and dials the number.

zeke avoids eye contact.

"it's because you drugged him, isn't it? you sick fuck," zayn spats.

he gets connected to 911, and before he could say anything, zeke runs away from the scene, already knowing what this means for him.

"i think my boyfriend has been drugged, he's not conscious," zayn says to the operator. he explains what he knows, which isn't any at all. he's told to bring harry to the hospital.

zayn can't possibly carry him, and he doesn't have a car, so he agrees for an ambulance to come get them.

hang in there, harry...


what's justin's deal though? i'll like to hear your theories.

some of y'all think he likes zayn why others think he's into harry. what do you think and why?

your boyfriends a slut//zarryWhere stories live. Discover now