Chapter 15: The Water Ninja's Nightmare

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Five enormous elemental dragons dove from the clouds, gliding over the vast capital of Ninjago. Wu led the team, with Zane and Cole to his left and right while Nya was close behind and Jay brought up the rear. For some reason, he seemed to be having trouble with his dragon, as if he were out of shape.

Nya shared her dragon with Liana, who clutched her waist tightly. Over the rush of wind Nya said loudly, "Where's Matilda gonna be?"

"Don't know!" Liana replied, screwing up her eyes against the wind. "She just said she'd meet us in town."

Sensei Wu, once awake, had been updated on what had happened the other night and met the witch. He'd been quite surprised, but welcomed Matilda and her idea of learning more about the moonstones the werecats were hunting down. "I have a feeling with your experience, we will be glad of your assistance," he'd said.

"Humph. I should think so," she had acknowledged gruffly as she cast Jay a dark glance. Jay hadn't said anything, but from the way he had quietly avoided the witch it was clear that he wasn't quite ready to trust her, even if she was an old friend of Cole's. Nya didn't blame Jay; if Cole hadn't stoutly defended Matilda and declared that she was entirely trustworthy, Nya would have felt suspicious of the hag as well.

Nya applied pressure to her dragon's belly; at her gentle urging it swooped down sharply. Liana's arms suddenly tightened around Nya. Ears popping, Nya laughed, "You're not used to flying, huh?"

"It's not like I have a dragon," Liana retorted, raising her voice above the wind.

"You scared of heights?" Nya asked teasingly.

Liana took a moment to respond. "I'm going to let you think about what you just said."

At first Nya felt confused. Then her face flushed in embarrassment. "Oh. Right... Sorry."

Realizing blindness probably made flying a horrific experience, urged her dragon to slow down. Yet at that moment, Cole whooped, "Hurry up, slowpokes!" His dragon dove expertly, and the others followed with their own happy hollering.

"Don't you dare slow down for my benefit," Liana hissed in Nya's ear, but there was a strange smile in her voice.

"Are you sure? I thought you were scared," Nya responded.

"I never said that. Come on, what are we waiting for?"

Nya was perplexed by the sudden change in attitude, but with a grin she kicked her dragon's sides with a "Hi-yah!". The dragon gave an ear-shattering roar and swooped down with a powerful flap of its wings.

Liana clutched Nya tightly with a startled squeak, then began to shout happily. Both girls then shrieked with laughter as they swooped past the others and dove, hair flying wildly.

Gradually Liana's grasp loosened. Her fake smile tentatively grew genuine, and she even risked stretching one hand in the air. Her expression seemed to say, I guess this isn't so bad.

Nya's dragon flashed past the others. The boys stared at them with surprise, then Cole laughed. "Hey, wait up!"

Wu watched with amusement as Cole, Jay, and Zane raced after the two with excited shouts. He smiled at the sight of his pupils enjoying themselves—but when he remembered that not all of the team was there, the smile faded.

"What is this, a race?" Cole called out.

"Why, do you want it to be?" Nya retorted.

Cole flashed her a mischievous smile. "I don't see why. We already know I'd beat you all."

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