{5} A Day On set

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"Okay guys this is our first rehearsal. Every time we rehearse we need to become better and better. If we want to make this a movie we have to work hard. We only have four months to make this the best play in Las Vegas. Was I clear?" she said strictly.

"Yes" we all said.

"Movie? What is she talking about?" Noah asked me confused.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. If this play succeeds we will make it a movie" I said excited.

"Wow um exciting" he said not so convincing.

"You got to be kidding me. You aren't excited? Have you been on set before?" I asked shocked.

"No actually" he said cringing.

"Shut up! I am taking you today. That's final" I said determinitely.

"Okay" he smiled.

"Great" I smiled brightly.

"Stop talking start working" Dona looked at me strictly raising a brow.

"Sorry" I said and we went to rehearse.


"Let's go" I said grabbing his wrist like a kid going to the amusement park.

"Fine fine" he said happily.

"Is it further? We've been walking for an hour straight" he said tired.

"Stop acting like a baby. We're almost there" I smiled and kept walking.

"We're here" I said ten minutes later.

"Wow this place is-"

"Amazing? Huge? Exciting? Breathtaking? I know!" I smiled.

"Yeah all of this" he said his eyes filled in joy. It was the first time I saw him so happy.

"Hi Stacey" I waved at a director.

"Omg it's been so long Liv! How are you!" she came and hugged me.

"I'm fine how are you!" I said hugging her back.

"I'm fine as well! We are filming and adventure film. This summer we are going to a play and we might make it a movie" she said smiling.

"Omg! I'm starring at this play. I didn't know you were the producers! Noah over here is my costar. He's never been on set before and I said I'd give him a tour" I said introducing him.

"Nice to meet you. I bet with you in it the play will be amazing. We were actually looking forward to telling you to star in a movie but never found the chance" she said now talking to me.

"It's fine. If you like the play I will come back" I said.

"Well since it's your tour day, have fun. In an hour we'll serve dinner do you want to stay?" she asked.


"Thanks but we are actually going out tonight" Noah cut me smiling.

I looked at him confused.

"Yeah that's right. I'll show him around and we'll leave. Maybe next time" I smiled trying to hide my confusion.


"It was really nice seeing you again guys, I'll come again bye!" I said waving at everyone.

"Nice to meet everyone!" Noah smiled at them.

"So what was that before?" I asked when we have already left.

"What was what?" he said ignorantly.

"You denied dinner with them. Did you feel akward? Because you shouldn't-"

"No no no. We are actually going out. I've booked a table at La Rosa" he said smiling.

"Really?" I said excited.

"Yes" he smiled calmly.

"But I'm not prepared. I need to take a bath, change I'm a mess!" I said not breathing.

"I knew you would react that way. That's why I booked it at 9.30. You have an hour to get ready. I'll pick you up then" he smiled.

"Okay now let's go!" I said excited. 

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