{24} Researches

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Mom and dad are absolutely the cutest.

"Morning" I smiled seeing them hugging each other on the couch.

"I'm going out with Nicole. Also I want to look up for an appartment. I'll research today. You need your space and I am old enough to live on my own" I said and gained both of their attention.

"Swetie are you sure?" my dad said confused.

"Yes I am. I have savings from work. Besides I can come here twice a week for lunch. Don't worry" I said trying to reassure them.

"Do you want to talk about it?" mom said leaving dad's hug.

"I have to go. Love you bye!" I said and left before they could say anything.

I didn't lie to them. I am researching for a house, but I'm also researching help to keep Washington Productions alive.

If I'm not able to bring this place back to life then at least I can offer both of them a romantic dinner there to bring back more memories.

"Nicole hi" I hugged her.

"Hey baby how are you. Why did you want to meet up?" she said hugging me back.

"Well, two things. First of all can we search for an appartment? I want to live on my own. And I need help to keep Washington Productions alive" I said and she formed a confused look.

"First of all, I have a proposition to your first demand, and second of all why do you want this old place alive?" she laughed.

"Say the proposition" I said kind of annoyed by her definition of the Productions.

"Well I think that since it is expensive to live in an appartment, we could live together. Like roomates" she smiled and I smiled as well.

"That's a great idea!" I said excited.

"Now tell me about the productions" she said with a reassuring look since she realised that I got mad.

"Well it's where my parents first met and where they fell in love. I visited this place with my mom and it really made her sad that they were taking this place down" I said remembering my mom's face which made me sad.

"Okay let's drive there. Someone will be there that we can talk to" she said and got into her car.

When we arrived people were packing things in a truck that said 'Howlings Transportations'.

"Uh excuse me" I said but they ignored me. Um rude much?

"Excuse me who is in charge here?" I asked with a high pitched voice.

They kept ignoring me.

"Um by being rude you don't achieve anything" I said but still no reply by the rude man who kept packing things in the truck.

"I would like to talk to the one in chief" I said to another guy rudely.

He turned to look at me and I was definitely not expecting that. This man was drop dead gorgeous, chestnut hair and dark green eyes. He looked so fine in his dark blue suit.

He started looking at me upside down and his eyes were widened. Do I look that terrifying?

He smiled at me. "No need to be rude" he laughed politely.

I just kept staring at him without even talking.

"Uh I'm sorry but your pals right here aren't very friendly themselves either" I stuttered.

"Excuse my pals" he said saying the word pals like a joke.

"Can I please talk to the one in chief?" I said more politely this time.

"He is not here at the moment. Can I answer your questions?" he smiled.

"Uh I don't know. These are some things I can only say to the one in charge" I whispered as I was saying a deep secret and he laughed.

His laugh was so pretty. His white, straight teeth were glowing at the sun.

"Well thank you I guess I' ll come by another day" I said trying to leave.

"Uh you can give me my number and I'll call you when the boss is ready to meet you" he said rubbing the back of his neck. That's a move Noah always does. Why am I thinking of Noah now that a guy is litterally flirting with me?!

"Uh sure" I said and gave him my phone.

I went back to the car to see Nicole sleeping at the driver's seat.

She woke up at the sound of the door closing when I entered.

"Hey are we taking it back?" she asked yawning but I didn't reply.

"Hello? Earth to Olivia? Why do you have this weird expression in your face?" she asked weirdly.

"What expression?" I said smiling guilty.

"The I have a crush expression" she looked at me with 'the look'.

"Drive" I said punching her shoulder softly.

"Tell me what happened" she said as she started the engine.

"I met a cute worker" I finally admitted.

"Did you get his number?" she asked waiting excitedly for a response.

"He asked for mine" I said blushing.

"Oh my God" she said.

"He is definitely going to call you" she smiled excitedly.

"Let's go search for that appartment" I said still that silly smile on my face.

"Can we please go eat first?" she cried.

"Yeah okay let's go get tacos" I said.

"Yayy" she said and turned the volume of the radio up.

"So I did a small research about some appartments around here. I found one in Miami. It's close to work, the view is amazing and Miami is a great place" I said biting my taco.

"Okay we're going to drive there after lunch" she said and after a while we both paid.

"Okay so I called the lady there. We didn't discuss much about the price, she said it's going to be 500$ each month" I said and she agreed.

"Okay that's good" she smiled.

"I only saw it from pictures and I really like it" I said and we entered Miami.

"We're here" she said and she parked right in front of a beautiful block of appartments.

"Hello I'm Olivia Shanders we talked on the phone about the appartment on the third floor" I shook my hand with the kind lady's.

"Oh yes I didn't expect you today but let's go see it, shall we?" she smiled and showed us the way.

We entered the appartment and it was just like I imagined it. It was big and very modern. It was furnitured because the person that lived there before left the furniture the way they were. It was clean and really nice decorated. It only had a few decorations though, but we would add more. The view from the balcony was amazing. You could see the palm trees and the beach. It was really close to the beach and summer is coming so that will be so great.

"It's really pretty" Nicole said as I was admiring the bedroom.

"Yes it's really nice" I smiled and she kind of felt relieved.

"We will think about it and we will call you" I said as we were going towards the entrance.

"Thank you very much" she said and we smiled warmly.

"This was amazing! And the view and everything!" Nicole said excited as we were heading back home.

"I know! We should definitely buy it" I said and she agreed with a nod.

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