{14} Forgiveness

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I heard the doorbell. Two days ago I wasn't emotionally ready to answer the door, but I changed and found myself. I finally felt free and relaxed. No stress, no drama, just happiness and theatre. And at the moment I was thinking about getting rid of my past, the last person I wanted to see appeared.

"What do you want?" I said in a bitch face.

"I want to talk to you" Noah said sadly.

"I think you were pretty clear two weeks ago and I was pretty clear two days ago. So what's more to talk about?" I asked with a mean look.

"Can I please come in? I want to be honest with you, and tell you my side of the story without interruptions and breaks, please. And after that you can just cut me off of your life. Just let me explain" he said in a sad voice.

"Fine" I said plainly and opened the door for him to come in.

"You have 5 minutes" I said setting a timer.

"Okay..." he exhaled.

"You've heard it many times but I'm sorry. That day, when we kissed, I meant everything. I like you so much, I don't even know why I was doubting. I was dealing with some shit but I'm over everything now. I want to try my best to achieve a relationship with you" he said in a regretting voice.

"I accept your apology, but I will need time to think. I don't know if I can trust you yet with your emotions and feelings. Beacause you clearly can't control them pretty well. I'll see you at rehearsal" I said opening the front door for him.

Just a word. That's all I was wishing for. The strongest word in the whole language that can ruin or fix everything in a matter of seconds. If he used this word I would forget everything. But him not saying it means that he doesn't feel it. That's better than saying it without believing it. I need time to think. I think I'll go for a walk by the lake.


The lake was full of happy kids, feeding the ducks with their mothers and fathers.

They must have a pitch perfect lives, I thought. I'm jealous.

"I hate you! You don't let me buy candy!" a little kid cried at it's mom.

"Hey" I said calmly approaching them.

"What?" the little boy cried.

"Don't say that to your mom. Trust me. You are very lucky to have a mother like that who loves you. Besides. Candy is not good for your teeth. You love your mom and she loves you too, trust me you're lucky. I didn't even meet my mom" I said rubbing the boys arm.

"Sorry mommy" the boy said regrettingly.

"Oh it's nothing baby" his mom hugged him and she mouthed a thank you at me.

I respnded with a smile. That smile suddenly created a shock grin.

"Olivia?" a familiar voice said from the back.

I turned around to see a person that made me have mixed feelings.

"Mary?" I said in shock.


"I owe you a huge explanation. About everything. And a huge apology. So let me start" she said warmly.

"I am your mother. I took a DNA test and the results were positive. The plane crush and my memory loss made me forget about my cute little girl, who is a beautiful woman now" she said her eyes filled in tears.

"I have to admit that you could've told me the news in a kind of better way. You were bold and fast that's why I left. I was shocked and didn't know how to react. But now I realised that I made a terrible mistake. I want to be your mother. I completely understand if you're not ready yet and want your time. I will also understand if you don't want me to be a part of your lif-" she was saying but my hug cut her off.

"Of course I want you to be part of my life. I never stopped wanting this" I said some tears running on both of our cheeks.

"My daughter is a reporter. I'm so happy for you" she smiled.

"No I'm not a reporter" I laughed a bit.

"What?" she asked confused.

"I pretended to be a reporter so I could find an excuse to talk to you" I smiled.

"Well you pretended pretty well" she said smiling.

"Yeah that's because I'm an actress" I smiled waiting for her reaction.

"Like mother like daughter" she laughed.

"Let me buy you something to eat. I want to know everything about your life" she said getting up from the bench we were sitting.

"You know you will eventually have to face dad as well" I said smiling.

"I know" she smiled.

And the rest of the day went amazing and I was genuinely happy.

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