{27} Gala Part 2

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"Can I explain myself now?" Noah said practically begging me.

"Fine. One minute" I said with my finger.

"Okay. So I'm new to all those kinda celebrity things. I don't want my private life to be known by everyone. Being cautious was a wrong definition. I would call it privacy to what we have"

"Had" I interrupted him.

"Yes. Had" he said in an apologetic look.

"I don't know if I can trust you yet. I will need time to think. We're not a couple taking a break. We aren't together. Get it? Just a date at the gala, then nothing more. It will be hard for me to think clear with all your mood swings every day" I said and he nodded.

"But can we at least have fun?" he asked as if it was his last hope.

"We can. Let's go find the others" I smiled and started walking.

"Champagne?" a waitor asked holding a plate with glasses of champagne.

"Thank you" I said and took a glass.

"You don't drink?" I asked Noah since he didn't accept the offer.

"No I'm not. I have a bad past with alcohol" he said.

Even though I want to know aboout this bad past I'm not pushing my luck any further.

He was drunk when he came to my house that night. Anyways.

"So what were you doing before getting here?" I asked and he looked guilty.

"Nothing important" he said avoiding eye contact.

I can't be in a relationship with him if he doesn't open up to me.

I nodded in response.

"Heyyyy" Dona said hugging me.

Wow I didn't expect that.

"Having fun?" she smiled.

"Yes you?" I asked smiling.

"A great time" she smiled back.

"I love the dress by the way" I said and she smiled.

"Thank you, you look stunning as well" she smiled again.


"It's getting late, I'm going to call Nicole so we can leave" I told Noah and walked towards the exit.

"I can drop you" Noah offered.

"No it's fine" I smiled akwardly and went outside.

Nicole picked it up at the second ring.

"Hey do you wanna go?" I said rubbing my forehead from the headache.

"Sam is giving me a lift" she said and I could feel she was blushing.

"Oh and what about your car?" I asked.

"I can give you the keys. I'll come and pick it up from your house tomorrow" she said which surprised me.

I would never give my car.

"Thanks I owe you one. I'm outside" I said and hung up.

I returned home and immediately laid on bed. It was 2 am already. I'll try and sleep tomorrow I have an appearance to make.

Just when I was about to sleep my phone rang.

Who the fuck is calling me at 2 am?

"Hello?" I said without seeing the number.

"Hey it's Dan from the transopartations. Are you still at the gala?" he asked.

"No I'm home what happened?" I asked yawning.

"Oh I'm so sorry" he said in an apologetic voice.

"No worries what's up?" I asked.

"Well my boss can meet you whenever you're available this weekend" he said and I could see his smile with the white teeth.

"That's great. Sunday is nice because I have the appearance tomorrow"

"Okay great is 7 at Le Fonso alright?" he asked and I could still feel a smile coming out of the phone.

"Yeah it's great. I really hope you can make it tomorrow" I said. I actually hoped that he could come. I feel so comfortable around him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" he said which made me smile.

"Great" I answered.

"Goodnight Olivia" he said in a calm voice that made me have goosebumps all over my body.

"Goodnight Dan" I replied and turned off my phone to sleep.

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