{16} All Nighter

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"Goodinght" I said hugging my mom and she left.

Dad has some work to do at the office and I have the house to myself. I'll watch some Netflix, it's still early.

It's now 1am and I turned off the TV, finally. I'll go read a book.

So I'm reading Pride And Prejudice and I must admit this book is kinda fascinating. Even thought Mr. Darcy is a total dick the book is still nice. It's 2.30am and I can't sleep. Pretty logical since I drank black coffee at 7 in the afternoon. I'll just keep reading until I feel tired.

The door bell rang? I check my phone and it says it's 3.30am. Who the hell would be ringing my bell at 3 in the morning?

A dark figure appeared but I could recognise the face.

"What the hell are you doing here at 3 in the morni-" was all I managed to say because Noah jumbed on me and kissed me. I didn't stop. My mind was telling me to stop but my heart couldn't. I pulled back as I tasted vodka in his mouth.

"Are you drunk?" I asked in shock and kind of pissed because he could only kiss me after some drinks.

"No I just had a shot now don't stop" he said and pulled my body aggressively on his.

I pulled back with more strength this time, since he had captivated me.

"Stop!" I yelled and pushed him.

"You're drunk as fuck. Come in I'll get you some water and you'll sleep to become sober" I said and his dark figure became light as he got into my house.

"Oh my God you're soaking wet. Let me search for some clothes from my dad's closet. Stay where you are" I said strictly and went to look for some clothes.

"Here, these are the only non-suit clothes I could find. I put you some clean towels in the bathroom. Go take a bath and change" I said sounding like a mom and to my surprise he listened to me.

After all that I actually needed coffee, again. I can't sleep having my mind on this drunk mess. What if he does something crazy? I can't keep my eyes off of him. That's why some cups of coffee will do.

After some time he finally came.

"I opened the couch so you can sleep here. I would tell you to sleep in my bed, but I don't have a sofa in there" I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Thanks" he said his voive soft like a whisper.

"Sleep and I'll ask the questions tomorrow" I laughed a bit as what I just said sounded funnier in my head.

He was too dizzy to think and react to what I had just said so I wasn't too bothered by his silence.

Minutes after he was snoring. I said I'd finish my book. It was 4.30am and I only had 20 chapters left. I might bring another book too, because I think I will be finishing this one soon. Yes I'm obssesed with books. I read at least 40 chapters a day. Beacuse I always say yes I'll finish chapter 20 and I'll close it but my eyes are always drawn to the next sentences so I always continue with the next chapter. I started Pride And Prejudice two days ago. I guess I'm just a fast reader.

It's already 7am and at 9 we have our last rehearsal with clothes. Noah is still sleeping but I'll have to wake him up eventually.

This has been a very interesting night. And of course I didn't sleep at all. I mean how could I after all that? Who could?

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