{13} Apologises

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It's been two weeks and I still haven't appeared at theatre. Everyone is calling me and texting me but I'm not in the mood to show up there. In two weeks we have the play. Actually they have the play. I'm not going. I'm just laying down all day crying, never responding to doorbells and visitors because as I said, not in the mood. Ugh another doorbell.

"Can't talk right now!!" I yelled but whoever was outside kept ringing the bell.

"Ughhh!" I got up and opened the door.

"Oh. My. God. You are a damn mess sis. Makeover right now. I don't know what happened but first you get yourself out of that ice cream bowl" Nicole said strictly.

"Just let me cry and eat cookies" I cried.

"No no no sweetie. Go have a bath and change clothes. This place smells like someone died in here!" she said closing her nose with her fingers.

"Yes someone died in here. My old self. The old self that believed that motherfuckers like Noah would ever like me. The old self that actually thought that her mother would accept her after 19 years. She died. But her soul is still in here" I said crying.

"That's right. So get yourself up and get rid of that soul. You are the baddest bitch around. You can't just die in here. Go take a bath and put on some clean clothes because I'm not letting you another minute standing like a dead body. Come on come on" she said pushing my back to go at the bath.

"Fine fine" I said trying to smile.


"I really needed that" I said getting back down after 30 minutes of a refreshing bath.

"Brand new and amazing. Now that you found yourself again. Tell me what happened" she said smiling.

"Well. I found my mother after 19 years. I met her and told her I'm her daughter and she dumped me. And the best part is that every feeling I thought Noah had for me, is not true. He made me believe that love actually existed. He made me think that boys are not so dicks. But he also made me realise that all my previous thoughts were false" I said trying to hold myself from crying.

"Oh no sweetie. I'm sorry. But these shit don't have to and won't be an obstacle to your way to success. You are an amazing actress and you deserve this role more tha anyone else in there. Show Noah who the fuck you are and who he is missing" she said giving me the pep talk I needed.

"Thanks Nicole. You are the most amazing person on earth. Like honestly. Thanks" I smiled.


Rehearsal was nice. Everyone welcomed me. Dona was kind of worried because she thought I wouldn't have nice results at the end but I told her not to worry.

"Hey Olivia wait up" Noah said akwardly.

"What" I said with my resting bitch face on.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done, for all the pain I caused you. I was being a dick and I treated you like shit" he said in a regretting voice.

I can't be that easy. He seems to have regretted but I'm not falling for it.

"Yes you did" I answered with a mean face and kept walking. He pissed me off.

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